💖Chapter 1💖

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Yona POV.

"Alright Maggots! You are here because you want to kill Titans..correct?!" Keith yelled. "Yes sir!" Everybody yelled. I looked down at my hands that were covered with my gloves, "Who gave you permission to wear those?!" Keith yelled looking at my gloves.

"I gave myself permission!" I said and saluted, "Did you just talk back to me?" He said getting closer to my face. "Indeed, thats how a conversation works." I said.

He grabbed the coller of my jacket and lifted me up, I kept my same expression and just stared into his rage full eyes. "What's your name?!" He said in a demanding voice.

"Yona Yeager sir!" I said, the hole field went quiet and Keith put me down. He continued on to the next soldier and I stayed in the same place, same pose, same face.

Levi's POV.

"Sir!" Armin said in a urgent voice. "What is it?" I asked and put down a file. "We have a report that somebody with the last name Yeager is in the Cadets squad." He said. "Contact Hange, Mikasa, Dain, Zeke, Moxi, Sasha, Jean, Connie, and Emi." I said and walked out of the room.

Yona's POV.

I sat down at a empty table and placed down my stew, I came before everyone else because I don't like interaction with anyone except my siblings..jesus those people are the best thing that could ever happen to me.

I looked at my extremely long hair and admired it's unique color. I was born with reddish pink hair with brown tips. It's a mixture of both of my parents hair colors.

Some people would stare at me because of my eyes, I had one green and one purple. It's also a mixture of my parents eye colors.

I heard people walk inside and tried to ignore them. I looked over at my bag and checked if everything was still there, Inhaler..check..XOLAIR..Check! Everything is still there.

I suffer from a severe case of Asthma which makes me have asthma attacks any time. Luckily it hasn't happened yet here.

I grabbed my cup of water and took a sip. I felt intense pressure in my lungs and felt the ability to breathe fade away. I dropped my cup making it spill all over me, I started to wheeze and felt tears roll down my face.

My fist banged the table trying to get a gasp of fresh air, by now all the Cadets were looking at me. I struggled to make my hands go towards my bag, I searched through it and grabbed my inhaler.

By now I couldn't breathe, I turned on the inhaler and it cleared out my lungs. I took a deep a breathe and put it back. I wiped the drool dripping from my mouth and grabbed my dishes.

I looked down and put my bag around my arm. I walked through the crowed and put my dishes in the sink, "Yona Yeager!" I heard someone call out. "Yes sir!" I said and looked at the person who called out my name.

"We have some people who would like to meet you." He said. I nodded and put my bag around my shoulders, I walked up the stairs and followed the man.

We arrived at the Medical Center and he left. I took a deep breathe and put my bag down, I readjusted my gloves. I opened the door and saw a handful of scouts.

"Yona isn't it?" A lady with brown hair in a ponytail said. I nodded and she shook my hand, I immediately grabbed her jacket coller and slammed her against the floor, "No touching!" I said.

I sighed and helped her up. "I'm sorry I just don't like being touched." I said. She nodded and led me to a chair. "Why am I here?" I asked, "we just need to run a little test." A girl with a red scarf said.

I saw a nurse inject a needle into my arm and take blood. The nurse put a drop of blood into a container and put it in a machine, "What was his name again?" She asked. "Eren Yeager." A man with pitch black hair and a blank expression said.

"Results..her mother is Ella Ziegler...and father is Eren Yeager." The nurse said and looked back at the scouts. "Ziegler...Ma'am go to the Ziegler bloodline..." a man with a short beard and a light blonde hair with glasses said.

"Processing..Ella Ziegler is in the Royal Bloodline..she has one sister and two brothers.." the nurse said. The scouts looked back at me and their eyes widened.

"Do..you have any siblings?" The same lady with the scarf asked. "Yup, Im one of my parents quadruplets." I said. "What are the genders of your siblings?!" She asked. "Two boys one girl?" I said.

I immediately felt a intense pressure in my lungs..not this again..I looked around for my bag but realized it was outside. I fell out of the chair and started to wheeze.

"Jesus!" I heard someone say. I hit my chest trying to get air into my lungs, I grabbed the chair I was sitting in and stood up.

I started to run to the door and opened it. Still struggling to breathe I grabbed my bag and searched for my inhaler, I grabbed it and used it.

I took a deep breathe and sat against the wood logs. "Are you okay?" The same lady with a scarf asked. "I'm fine..it's just asthma." I said and took another deep breathe.

I felt her put her hand on my shoulder and I grabbed her wrist, I slammed her into the wall and stood up. "No touching..." I said and grabbed my bag. I started to walk away until I felt someone reaching out to grab me.

I grabbed their wrist and saw it was the same man with glasses. "Who is your father with?" He asked. "My mother, they got married when me and my siblings turned 10." I said. I let go of his wrist and walked to my cabin.

Nobody else was there, I slammed the door shut and grabbed my sleep wear. I walked into the bathroom and took my uniform off. I put on my clothes and walked out the bathroom and put my bag under my bed.

I had a bottom bunk. I turned off the light and closed my eyes, today has been a long day...

You're Who's Daughter?! (AOT fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin