20 seconds: Introduction.

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Everyone is born for a reason!
Ever thought what must be our real aim? Ever imagined what's the purpose?Are we here to please everyone around us? Don't  you think we come to find happiness?What's the greatest happiness anyone could find in ones life?..

I believe we all here are for a reason..

"A reason to love ..A reason to be loved..! "

Yes, finding somebody who loves us unconditionally is the ultimate goal for us to be born.

Somewhere far in the dark our souls roam .. They bump in hurdles which the Darkness create and gets hurt.. With many scars and sorrow they tirelessly wander in the search of light. A light of hope.... A light to walk on a path without getting bumped and hurt.. We need this light to enlighten our Darkness...

This light helps us to reflect on ourselves and be our best version..For living fearlessly and happily without being judged..

They say love makes you complete ..

"It's all in our fate as god when send us to the world send another person to complete us.."

But then do we get a special tag as a confirmation?What if we defy God's choice? Will god forgive us? Yes he will as we are his children.. And as our parent he will accept our happiness..

But what about the others.."the so called people here on our planet"..What exactly is Love according to them? I genuinely want to know.!

Is it being born, studying, getting a stable job , marrying a partner making kids and live happy ever after? What if someone wants to break this typical rules.. Will they get accepted by the society?

Not breaking the rules and live according to the so called norms is what normal people do, Right.? Who will certify them as normal?What's the criteria to be Normal..?What does normal means to this World?

Is love precisely consider as for a man loving his woman and a woman loving her man. Does a heterosexual romance is called normal.. Do this definition make sense?

We are born in this beautiful yet judgemental world as a prisoner Where this society is a judge and we are the accused ..We fear doing things which might affect our reputation in this society. We just hide.. Hide everything.. Only we ourselves knows our true face..We fear to get exposed..

But are we really happy by pretending this!

I strongly believe we are incomplete.. Everyone says we come alone and we leave Alone..

But I refuse to this theory we obviously come alone but we never leave alone. We leave this world with many memories, especially the memories of the one who made our half souls complete.

My mom once said this to me you are a soul who wanders in this world alone it's only until you find one who make you feel complete from the inside.

I asked her, "How would I know when I find one.. ? "

She smiled at me and said,

"Your Heart.. Your heart will tell you when you find your love, son.."

Never thought my half soul which I was looking for would create so many problems for me and for the ones whom I considered as my people.

Who's fault was it that the soul who completed me was a boy. ?

He made me complete..but will they accept us.. ?

Because we both are boys!

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