Part 5: At the library!

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After Shine's unexpected victory over Rio.. Shine was in the limelight..He was on the peak of popularity..Everyone was talking about the match which took place 2 days back.. He was trending on no. #1 .. We could hear everyone talking about him..

The situation was not so good on the other hand...Everyone in the boxing club were worried because of shine ..with every possible way they pleaded shine to take part in the tournament.. However he wasn't ready to participate in tournament..Even after words from Prof. Thieu Shine didn't gave a postive response..Of course shine could be considered As the Ace.. He was the hope of the engineering major to win this tournament! And they can't let go shine at any cost!

Shine was at the Library this afternoon.. He was troubled by the constant attention he was receiving.. It was hard to attain the lectures as all the students stared at him during the lectures..Jane was in another department with her friends ..Apart from Jane Shine didn't have any friends..It wasn't comfortable to be in the limelight and he felt it awkward to attain the lectures..So he decided to study at the library..

At the library he was finding some books on the shelf.. When suddenly he felt a hand around his waist.. Shine was perplexed for a second and as a reflex he just moved his arm back to punch the person.. He turned back and it was Rio!

Rio dodged that punch and pushed him on a nearby shelf.. They both were standing face to face ...within a moment Rio locked shine's both hands up in the air.. Shine tried to kick Rio but Rio pushed his entire body on him and tangled his legs with shine locking his legs too.. They both were too close.. Even a hair couldn't pass between them.!

Rio silently moved close to shine's ears.. Shine could feel Rio's warm breaths on his neck. It was unusual that Shine just stayed there and didn't move..

With those warm breaths on his neck shine felt a bit anxious..Rio could feel his nervousness.. He wanted to tease shine..he in a very soft voice whispered,

"So Kiddo, how do you feel being this close to me? "

Shine gave him a confused look and said,

" Uhh? What do you mean? "

Rio said,

"I mean exactly what you think!.. Well, Why is your heart racing this fast?"

Shine gulped and said,

"It- It's because I was running before I came here! "

Rio giggled and said,

"Well! I am observing you from the time you left dorm.. You definitely weren't running this time.. Trying to cover up something huh? "

Shine Hesitatingly replied,

"What the hell !!Why are you following me? Was the punch not enough for you jerk? "

Rio said,

"Yeah exactly your punch! After your punch.. I was not able to sleep for 2 nights.. I kept thinking about you. Even in my dreams I could see you! "

Shine looked uncomfortable he said,

"Wh- What are you saying? Isn't this too cheesy?"

Rio pressed his body hard against shine and said,

"Mmm..Whatever! You are indeed good at boxing! I can't stop myself falling for you.. Give me a potion to break this spell! .. Honestly I do hate you, However I can't avoid thinking about you! "

Shine said,

"Have you gone crazy? What are you babbling?Let me go!"

Rio teasingly said,

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