Part 21:A thriller..

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It's a lengthy chapter with thrill elements.. I hope you all enjoy! ☺

"Sometimes in life we come across the same things which we face earlier.." DEJA VU"..the things we are afraid of..things we want to run away from..things which we want to forget..These things are our biggest nightmare which we try to avoid at every cost.. But destiny can't be changed!"

.. For the second time I am in a situation in which I am completely helpless.. Not knowing what to do next..I am scared..scared to death!But I won't let the fate repeat itself..I will save jane any cost!

As I am running on the road I don't have a least idea of will I really find jane? I am at a stage where my intuition signalled me that jane is in a huge problem.. Thousands of thoughts running in my mind.. I kept running.. Looking everywhere.. My only wish is to see Jane as fast as I could..I want her to be safe..

I am blaming myself to let her go alone.. It was 3 hours now.. She never keeps her phone off.. Did that people hurt jane again? Will she be fine ?

Shine ran out of the University entrance at the speed of light.. He had zero idea about where Jane could be.. But he recalled she told him she is going to the New Guitar Shop.. Sam was following him as he ran out the university..but shine was so quick that sam didn't have the time to catch up..As Sam reached the university gate..shine was in his car and left already..Shine unlock his mobile and kept calling Jane..he look frustrated..from the car he looked at the streets closely only in hope to find jane... Shine knew the only person who could give Jane's  lead was the guitar Luthier .. He drive his car as fast as he could.. It was a awful situation for him.. He can't loose Jane!

At the university it was less than a hour left for the match to start.. The news of Shine suddenly running off from the university was spread like fire.. People gossiped about shine being scared of knot and running off from the match..Professor Theiu was angry to the point that he broke the club equipments..he was disappointed..!

Rio unaware of this was on the top of the building cursing himself.. He was extremely angry and looked disappointed!!..Watt and Bright were continuously looking for Rio.. Finally they found him at the top of the building..

Watt groaned at Rio,

"Rio! Why the hell you are here? "

Watt and Bright looked extremely nervous ..

Rio asked,

"Whats the matter why you both are looking so Tensed? Is something wrong? "

Bright exclaimed!

"Shine ran off! "

Rio with a flustered face said,

"What! why? "

Watt answered,

"For Jane!..she is missing! Shine without a thought just went to look for her.. Professor Thieu is extremely angry.. Come and calm him down.. "

Bright reminded,

"Match will start in less than an hour.. This match will be the deciding factor.. Shine must be back soon or else it will be absolutely bad for engineering major! "

(Bright was an architecture student but he believed in fair play.. He knew if shine don't appear in time..he will be disqualified instantly and The architecture major will win easily. )

Rio said hurriedly,

"Watt do me a favour give me your phone quickly..(Rio grabbed Watt's phone)..and please look after professor Theiu  for me..I will bring shine back! "

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