Part 10:Beginning of a New Chapter!

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At the Blue Moon club..

Watt asked,

"Why is your head hurt..? What happened today? "

Rio said,

"Nothing! I tripped and fell down.. "

Bright said with a serious look,

" Really? Or Is it because of Mr. Setwat? "

Rio looked down he said,

"I'm used to it now.. He have always blamed me.. Not even for once he tried to understand me.. But it's ok . "

Watt said,

"Is it because of Jane? What exactly happened? How are you related to that girl? "

Rio said,

"It's not necessary now.. "

Bright said with a disappointed face,

"Come on Rio we are friends from so long now.. Why are you hiding things.."

Rio drinks a sip from his beer Glass and asked,

"Watt Bright.. Do you both trust me?

They both said,

"Off course we do! "

Rio said,

"Is trusting someone really that easy?"

Watt said,

"Is there something which is bothering you.. From the time I've known you.. You never say what goes into your head.. Why don't you speak up"

Rio was upset.. He said,

"I tried but I can't..I don't trust this world we can't trust anybody ..they just use you and blame you to hide their innocence ..and it's fine.. Doesn't matter now whether I'm innocent or not.. Everyone have announced me guilty and I can live this way.. !

(Takes a sip of his beer)

He then takes his wallet out and there we see a picture of a small boy and a lady..


"Ma I'm I looking handsome in this dress? "

"Yes my baby you look really cute.. Come here let me take a picture of you.. "

"Ma.. When will dad come home.. I want to take a picture with you both.. "

"Don't worry my child he will be home soon ..I will call him up for you ok.. "

Mrs. Setwat calls Rio's dad..

She calls him for 10 times but he doesn't answer..

"Ma is dad coming home soon? "

"No baby he says he have a important meeting today and he will be late.. He have send you kisses and said you to sleep early ok.. "

"But Ma..Dad isn't home for a week..I miss dad! "

"My child you are a good boy right..he will come home tomorrow then you can meet him alright?..Come here let's take a picture together! "

Next day at the university..

We see Shine walking towards Prof. Theiu's cabin..

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