Part 19:Will you be my boyfriend?

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Present.. At the recovery room..

Shine looking at locket was distressed.. His eyes were tearful.. He promptly got up and started waking off from there.. Rio opened his eyes and grab shine's hand.. He said,

"Running off again? "

Shine didn't looked back.. His memory reminisced to 1 year back.. Shine came back to senses only when Rio called him out loud..

Rio bore into shine's eyes..he said,

"Why did you stop.. It was so soothing to hear you admiring me.. "

Shine didn't turn around.. He asked,

"This locket ... Why it's with you?.. "


"Was that boy you? "

Rio looked startled..

He just said,

Ye.. ss.!!

Shine looked back as Rio held his hand.. Tears were falling from his eyes.. He said with a heavy voice

"How you have this locket? "

Rio was perturb he said,

"Did you forget? "

"What did I forget? "

Rio said with a sad face,

"It's nothing.. Do you want this back? "

Shine said,

"No you can keep it.. "

Rio took off the locket from his neck and said,

"Take it back if you don't remember how I got it.. "

Shine said,

"It doesn't matter how you got it.. It's yours now keep it safe.. "

Rio said,

"Shine, are you mad at me? "

"Why would I? "

Rio asked him to sit down..

Shine sat next to him.. Rio like a baby grabbed shine by his waist.. He buried his face in shine's chest..Shine's heart was beating fast again..He said,

"Are you sacred again? "

Shine kept quite..

Rio hold shine's hand and said,

"Are you really mad at me? "

Shine breakdown now.. He with a trembling voice said,

"You.!Where were you ...for so long? Didn't you said you will find me? What took so long Rio?

Rio rested his head on shines hand and said,

" I did! But...I have my reasons wh-"

"You are lying ...What reasons??What would that be Rio.. It's fucking 1 year..!

Rio said with his face down,

"I know I have wronged you.. "

Shine said furiously,

"It must be so easy for you to apologize right?..(shine weeping in tears)

I...I everyday went to the pub.. Just to find you!.. I tried to get your contact but failed.. Every single day I hoped I will see you but you never showed up. Each night was torture.. I couldn't sleep.. Thinking of you every second.. But you... "

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