Part 28:Maybe i need to know it!

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Continuation of previous part..

I went downstairs where my parents were sitting.. The doctor have arrived with the reports.. Till that moment I didn't knew which test it was.. My parents have not informed me this.. I went down and sat next to my Ma.. The doctor said,

"Well Shine you may go back to your room.. I wanted to talk to your parents.. "

He tried to give me a fake smile.. But he looked extremely worried I asked him,

"Doc.. Is everything fine? What about the reports.. Is it pneumonia Or Typhoid? "

The doc looked and my pa ..

My pa said,

"Doc sooner or later he will find out about what's wrong with his can say it in front of him.."

My pa looked serious he have never been like this before he said,

"Whatever it is shine.. You will have to be strong for your sister.. "

I was confused I was worried.. I kept my fingers crossed .. I have a hunch something was wrong!

My mom Hold my hand and comforted me..

" We are there.. Don't worry! "

But deep inside she was scared too.

Doc took out the report from his bag.. He took a deep breath ..

My heart couldn't take it anymore.. Just say it fast I said in my mind..

Doc said,

"Mr&Mrs.Phoom.. Your daughter is diagnosed with stage 2 Leukemia.! "

My mom begin to cry ..I was I shock.. My body was shivering..I stood up and yelled,

"It can't be! Wh..what..are you talking?"

Pa hold me and said,

'Son! Calm down.. "

He hold my mother who was sobbing.. She wiped her tears and asked me to sit down..

I was still in a shock.. It was something I never thought for.. I broke down in silent tears on the sofa..

Doc continued,

It is unfortunate Mr&Mrs. Phoom.. I Will suggest you to take her for treatment as fast as you could.. It's a stage 2 and there's still a hope..She will have to go through some more test ..which we can't perform here..after these test we can get a clear idea about her condition.. "

"We will leave Tomorrow.. Thank you doctor.. Please guide us further."

After that doctor left and I was there sitting on that sofa..

Thousands of thoughts running from my mind..

My dad told me,

"I have made the arrangements.. Tomorrow we will leave for USA.. "

I exclaimed,

"What Tomorrow?.. You arranged it so fast? "

"Son Doc have gave us a slight idea about lukemia so I prepared everything in advance.. We were just waiting for the confirmation.. "

"Pa I will go and pack my stuff then.. "

" can't come..You got your final exams.. It won't be good if you come.. Stay here and focus on your studies.. We are there for lay.. Also you will have to accompany Mr. Tawan for our business approvals.. "

"Pa but.. ! "

"Shine.! I know you are worried.. But trust me Ma and I will take care of her.. I suggest you to finish your exams soon and then you can come there later.. "

"About the business.. I will leave it to Mr. Tawan..(he was my father's trusted aid) In my absence he will look after it.. You will have to give the approvals ..and act as a de facto in my absence..Also I have asked miss. Rose to take care of you.. ! "

Next day they left.. I was left back home.. I missed lay.. Missed her badly everyday.. I got no attention on my exams ..And I failed for the first time..I even can't look after the office work..Our shares were sold by Mr. Tawan without our consent..he cheated us..we were in loss..!!My head was a complete mess..I cut off myself completely from the world..My dad was coping with depression too..he had a shock about lay and after that our lay group was on the verge of collapse..!!

From my childhood i was a guy who acted as confident in front of everyone but Inside I feared.. I was not able to save our business too.. I failed anyhow my father returned and handled the situation bravely..

On the other hand I couldn't forget about lay..i was worried for her..I was less talkative.. Tin my best friend came to comfort me..but I was not ready to talk to anyone..I Buried myself in books.. Lay have kept me alive for this long.. She was totally opposite of me.. Always smiling.. Easy going.. Warm and friendly.. Extremely talkative.. Time used to fly when she was with me.. Cared for me.. Made new dishes for me to try.. Loved me with all her heart.. She was the one.. But after her lukemia.. Things changed.. I was left alone!!

Shine break down he said,

"That day in the auditorium you were the one who saved me.. Saved me like Lay always did.. You understood me.. You gave me a feeling which resemble lay.. But you.. At last played me.. I look at you as my sister.. I was not able to protect Lay.. But you ...I genuinely wanted to protect you.. Care for you.. I unconditionally loved you Jane.. But what you are asking for is not possible.. I take you as someone I wanted to protect dearly.. "

Jane was in tears she said,

"I can't even beg you for forgiveness..I'm ashamed..i am sorry !! I made you suffer! "

My sufferings never ended Jane. And it looks it will never will... Its all fated. Fated with Rio...You wanted to know about me and Rio right..?

"One night I got a call about Lay's condition was not so good.. I loosed hope.. It was when I accidentally meet Rio.. I felt good around him.. My pain vanished.. But eventually we got misunderstandings.. He feels I cheated him and you made me belive he cheated me.. Wow jane you really acted well.. ! "

Jane said,

"Shine please.. Stop! I'm sorry what do I do? "

"I just wanted to save you Jane.. So you won't be like lay ! "

"What happened to lay? Why is she laying here quietly? And what happened with Rio and you?..

Shine spoke,

After nearly a year it was a positive news for me.. My pa managed to save our industry..Jane's condition was stabled.. She was back to home finally after 8 months.. I wanted to go there to meet here during her treatment..but I was sacred to face her suffering..But now She looked much more better..I was happy for lay..but inside I kept thinking about Rio..that night when we were parting he said we will meet soon..but he never showed up!!After that I enrolled to high school again for my final exams.. Everything seems to be fine.. But I messed up again.. Lay is in comma because of me!! Rio and my fate is bounded if that night Rio would have not misunderstand me and came to look for me many things would have been better... I...... "

And shine stopped he said,

"I think that's not something you need to know Jane.. ! "

We hear someone walking in from the door.. It was Rio!

He said,

"Maybe I need to know it Shine!! "

To be continued..
I'm sorry it's been quite late.. I will upload the next parts soon..

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