Part 15 :A love square?

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Sam and Lime came looking for Jane.. They were halfway when they saw Jane and Shine hugging so they hide there and started enjoying the scene..

After shine left they both came to jane..

"Girl! You were so fast uhh.. We couldn't keep pace with you.. Why were you hugging shine right now..? "

Lime asked mischievously..

"Ohh it's nothing I'm just happy that shine is ok.. "(Jane was blushing)

Sam with a puzzled face stood there he asked Jane,

"I still don't understand how he is only good to you Jane.. It's surprising..he's awful with others.. ! "

"Ohh he's a good guy he just doesn't open up.. It's fine as long as we understand each other.. ! "

Lime said in a repeating way,

"Yea it's fine as long as you both understand each other!.. Defending your are lovesick Jane!! "

Jane said,

"Enough enough! Let's go.. Oii Sam? didn't you say you have practice at 4 pm today? Aren't you going? "

"Oii..I'm late this is all because of you both.. I'll be dead meat if P'Rio had arrived.. I'm  going first take care girls"


Shine threw the key on Rio's face and walked off the room..Shine's phone beeped we see a message flashed on his mobile screen it was Kao's text he send him the address.. He also informed that he is busy and will not be able to join him for shifting his stuff..

Shine headed to his dorm.. He stepped inside the room.. It was all dark..He put on his mobile flash..carefully he went to open the window..but unfortunately it was jammed and he couldn't open it..with his flashlight he went towards the cupboard and pulled out a suitcase..then he moved to his wardrobe.. He picked some tees , shirts and trousers.. His room was a mess..there was a weird smell in his room..he covered his mouth with his hand and went to the bathroom he picked up all the stuff like toothbrush, his shampoo bottle and everything which his hand can grab.. He stepped out of the bathroom.. He was thunderstruck when he saw Rio in front of him..he saw Rio sitting on his bed.. Rio looked was as if he is going to do something.. Something bad..He Smirked at him and said,

"Got scared?you don't need to..I'm not some ghost..but if you continue to put up with your attitude I will be your worst nightmare! "

Shine was pissed of now.. He angrily roared,

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why you keep following me! It's really intruding! "

Rio stood up and came waking to shine.. As Rio took a step shine went a step back.. At a point shine couldn't move backwards.. The wall stopped him (damn wall!)

Rio smirked at him and said,

"I won't seduce you today..don't you worry."

Shine could feel Rio's breathe.. Rio smell divine.. Shine just gulped  he was freezed again.. He thought (why I become so powerless when Rio's around me.. My heart.. Why it's beating this fast?)

Rio held shine's hands he said in a gentle voice,

"Shine about the thing I said at the club infront of Watt and Bright was.... "

Shine was listening to him carefully..

Just then there was a knock on the door.. Rio was interrupted.. Shine was puzzled he just push Rio aside and went to open the door..

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