Part 16 :It's really you?

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It is the day of selection...

Shine have practiced hard enough..Kao wasn't able to come today as he had some other things..but he have trained shine really well..

From the engineering major Shine, Sam and 6 others were representing there major.. We come to know that Shine have a selection match with a student of fine Arts.. Sam have a match with a student of medicine..

Rounds were set and everything was ready..

Shine for the whole yesterday was in the academy with kao..practicing for the match..he entered the club.. There was chaos as this day was huge.. Every sport had their selection rounds today..but the president of managing this was not to be seen anywhere..
Shine was looking uneasy.. He couldn't fine Rio anywhere..

Where the hell is he?

But why am I thinking about him?..

Screw him it's good that he's not here!..
Jane was in the arena cheering for both the boys..

Lime was in the photography club.. So she was busy photographing the highlights today..

Rio's match was up next.. He came into the fighting arena .. He was all charged up..He Looked at the crowd ..his eyes were searching for Rio..still thinking about where was Rio..

He saw jane.. Jane waved at him and gave him a thumbs up.. Shine smiled and nodded and the match begin..

In the match Shine defeated his opponent from the fine arts major..shine's moves looked much more polished now..

Sam was defeated unfortunately..

.. In the selection match knot's performance was bang on.. He knocked out his opponent in only 60 seconds!!.. All the spectators were shocked.. He looked extremely professional.. Very swift at his movements.. And his punches were damn strong!!
The selection was started from the evening and now it was around 8pm in the night..the rounds of every activity were held.. So it was sure that today's night was going to be long finishing everything..

Shine came to Jane after his match..she said her band is having a performance that night after the selections..and Shine must hear her song which was a surprise!

In the meantime Sam and Lime bought some drinks.. Sam was sad for not qualifying but Jane was cheering him up.. In between this we see Watt and Bright coming to them.
Bright said,

"Umm N'Shine are you free after this? "

"Well what's the matter phi? "

"We actually need a favour.. "

Jane asked,

"Is something wrong P'Bright? "

Bright said,

"Rio... He is in the hospital..."

Shine looked worried he asked,

"Why? Is he not well? "

Watt said,

"Well something like that.. "

Shine said in a very low tone,

"Did he met an accident?

Watt said with a serious face,

"It was not a accident.. Yesterday Rio left early.. We later went to the parking going back to home.. There we saw Rio..he was unconscious fallen on the ground near his car.. We picked him up and Admitted to the hospital.. "

Bright said,

"We haven't slept since yesterday.. Rio was hit at the back of his head he have several injuries on his chest and hands .. It looked like an attack. "

Sam said,

"What an attack? Why would anyone attack him? "

Bright said,

"We don't really know.. Rio isn't telling..he even insisted not to report a police complaint.. "

Watt then said,

"The selection and stuff will go on for long.. One of our friend was with Rio all day  but now he has something urgent to do.. We can't go as in Rio's absence we need to carry out the duties here..his parents are abroad we were not able to contact them still..
Will you please take care of Rio for us tonight.. The finals are in less than a  week and we really need to take care of things.. Soo... "

Shine interrupted and said,

"I'll go take care of him.."

Watt said,

"Ok shine then we count on you.. Can I get your number I'll Line you the address.. "

Yeah here it is!..

They exchanged numbers watt send him the address..

Sam said,

"I'll go with you shine.. You are tired.. I'll be of help.. "

Shine said,

"It's alright. I can take care.. You take Jane and Lime home after this gets over.. Jane text me when you get home.. "

Jane said,

"Alright shine take care then.. "

Watt said,

"If anything comes up give us a call.. Thank you Nong.. We will leave then. "
At the hospital..

Shine came in and saw Rio.. Rio was sleeping on the bed..he have many wounds..his face was swollen and head was plastered .. Shine felt extremely sad while looking at him..

He sat next to Rio.. He said,

"You are a total jerk, still why do I feel bad to see you in this state? "

He grabbed Rio's hand .. And touched his wounds gently..

"You are Indeed hurt..Who done this to you?..Rio...I'm not able to understand you .. Sometimes you be so good to me and sometimes you become a total scum.. I want to run away form you!!.. But why when you are close to me I want you more?"

"After that incident.. I can never trust anyone.. But I decided to trust you.. Do you really like me Or you are playing?"

"Looking at you this way breaks my heart.. But why? I hate you a lot.. But when phi said you were here at the hospital my heart was about to explode.. What have you done to me? "

Shine started crying bitterly..

Suddenly, shine saw a locket in Rio's neck..

Shine was so shocked that he stood up immediately.. He took a closer look at the locket and said,

"Was that boy really you Rio! "

He tried to run away from there but Rio grabbed his hand and said,

"Are you again going to run away Shine? "

Shine paused and with his teary eyes looked at Rio,

"Were that really you Rio? Why You are having this locket.."

"It's me.. You kept me waiting for too long.. Where you were all this time? "

Rio begin to Cry..

Shine came closer to him and hugged him they both were Crying badly..

How was shine and Rio related?.. Where have they met before? It's all an another story.. Will reveal it soon in the coming parts.. Love y'all keep supporting 😊

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