Red Head Redemption

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Who am I? Where have I been? May be the questions you've been asking yourself right now. The first one a little more jokingly, but I am back and I have been taking a break due to college, mental health, social life, etc...
But I'm back now, so enjoy!

The next day consisted of the remaining members of the quartet sitting in the library and researching everything that could possibly help fight a dragon, since not much was coming to mind. Hermione was flipping frantically through pages of books that were stacked high beside her, mumbling to herself and bobbing her head as if she was listening to music. Harry had lost focus a while ago and lost himself in a book full of weird looking fungi, making faces at the pictures whenever he turned a page. Y/N had been distracted by Krum, who had entered the library and marched over to their table, instantaneously initiating conversation with the older Potter brother.

"I see you tomorrow, yes?" Krum asked as he began to step away towards the entrance.

"We'd be dead if you didn't," Y/N said in a joking manner, but was fully serious. Hermione perked her head up at the words, ran her hands through her hair, and returned to towering her pile of books higher and higher. Krum gave a quick nod before exiting, soon followed by a group of giggling girls that had been hiding behind a bookshelf watching the pair's interaction.

"I don't see why you're friends with him," Hermione said, not moving her focus from Ferocious Fire-Breathers by C. Thompson. Harry looked up, seeming to only just remember he was in the library still. "He's an absolute idiot, and a bad influence on you. I don't want to wake up one day to find you don't know how to cast a spell."

"He knows how to cast a spell... I think, I haven't seen him do it before but I highly doubt he can't cast a spell. And this tournament is all about making friends from different schools, isn't it?"

"I think some people have more than friendship on their minds... look behind you," Hermione groaned. Y/N turned to see a group of light-blue uniformed females sitting around a table pretending to read while actually glancing at Y/N's back. "They're not even trying to be discreet. They're reading a picture of you. And they are way too old for you... seventeen, at least."

"Would you like to go back to the common room, Hermione?" Y/N sighed, offering his hand to the girl. She took it, but then turned around to pick up one of the books, then another, and another until she may as well have picked up an entire shelf. "You done?"

"Yes," Hermione said, now speed walking away with the books stacked up to her chin, with Y/N trailing after her.

"I'll just put the rest of the books away, shall I?!" Harry called after them.


At dinner, Y/N walked in to see that Hermione had brought the library with her to the Gryffindor table. Books were stacked in a semi-circle around the girl and she was scribbling notes in a notebook, her quill shaking furiously and the ink pot dangerously close to the edge of the table. Y/N approached her with Harry at his side, who was just as worried about the girl as he was. When they neared, frantic whispering reached their ears, as well as the scratching of the quill. Y/N was surprised it wasn't set alight at the speeds Hermione had it going.

"Talon-clipping by charms... treating scale rot... URGH!!" Hermione raged, flipping her notebook in her anger. "Nothing about how to defeat a bloody dragon! Oh, wait... Dragons are extremely difficult to slay... not good... owing to the ancient magic that imbues their thick hides, which none but the most powerful spells can penetrate..."

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