He not my alpha.

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(Yes, I am finally making a story. I'm really sorry for not posting a story but I decided to upload a story today.)

Evan pov
I woke up from my alarm clock. That I shut it off. I got up and wash up then I went back to my room and changed into some nice clothes.

 I got up and wash up then I went back to my room and changed into some nice clothes

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(What Evan is wearing.)

I went into the kitchen and made myself breakfast. When I was finished I cleaned my plate and grab what I need.

-time skip-

I went to my class and sat down at my desk. I took out my stuff and wait for the bell to ring. I went on my phone to play my games. The bell finally rang and I saw different students enter the room.

-time skip-

"No, Luke." I said. "Please Evan. Just this once!!" He beg. I still said no. "Luke, I can handle it." I said. "Evan, this is your heat we're talking about." He said.

I'm an omega while Luke is an alpha. People said all omegas need an alpha to help them come down with their heat. But, I don't think all omega needs alpha.

I don't need an alpha I can handle my heat alone. I'll just make my nest in my room on my bed and wait for my heat to be over. Simple as that.

"This is my last time saying no Luke and stop giving me those puppy eyes it ain't going to work on me." I said. He sigh under his breath and I just ignored him.

-time skip-

I was finally at home. I went to my room to change into something comfortable. I flop on my bed and looked at the ceiling. "I can do this without an alpha." I said.

I turn to my side and went to sleep without eating anything.

-next day-

I woke up sweating and panting. "F-Fuck." I groan. 'My heat started.' I thought. I was flipping around to much that I made my nest. I grind on bed getting a little friction. I moan a bit.

Luke pov
I skipped school because I didn't want to be there. I was going to go to the mall and probably hang around the arcade or something but I decided to go to Evan house.

He give me his spare key in cast something happened. I enter the house and was hit with a nice sweet scent. "Apple? No." I said and sniff the air again.

"Maple and cinnamon." I said. My alpha side growls telling me. I need to claim my omega. I follow the scent and saw Evan on his nest panting and groaning.

I released my scent and he saw me. "Luke?....alpha." He said. I went over to him and kiss him roughly. He kiss back. "Claim me...please!!" He beg.

-next day-

I woke up and my lower back started to hurt me. I got up and fell straight to the floor. "Ow." I said. I got up and limp to the bathroom. Once I got there I saw I had different bite marks on me.

I even saw I got hickey and bruises mark. "What?" I question. I looked down and saw I had white stuff on me. "What happened?" I said. "Good morning beautiful. I did amazing job of you asked me." Luke said.

I turn to look at him. "Luke, what happened?" I asked. He explains what happened and my eyes widened. I looked at the mirror again. "Well, thanks for helping me." I said.

He went up to me and kiss my head. "Anything for my precious cute omega." He said. We both clean ourselves up and decided to skip school and hang out.

(I finally made a chapter for all of you. I hope you enjoy it.)

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