[f/o] w o o s a n

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!! request by @xuxiluvr
(thank u for the req <3) !!

type : fluff + enchanted

prompt : when san is a shy, smiley pixie and he stumbles upon a pretty boy picking flowers.

——— 3rd POV ———

walking aimlessly around the woods, san skimmed his fingertips over the rough surface of the bark on the tall , old oak trees. allowing his light blond wavy hair to fall over his face , he exhaled softly, humming a tune to himself as his eyes contently took in and scanned his surroundings, his pixie ears still alert to make sure he wouldn't miss out on any sudden noises.

swiping his tongue over his dry and chapped lips, the seventeen year old continued to walk through the woods, leaves and twigs crunching and snapping underneath his feet. smiling to himself, san thought back to fond memories of when him and his werewolf friend seonghwa used to go around these woods together late at night, giggling like the innocent and pure little kids they were, nothing but happiness was there with them in that moment, it was so fun- he missed seonghwa dearly.

after the war between werewolves and pixies, he wasn't allowed near seonghwa.. he wished he could have at least said good bye. anyways, san shook his head, letting a tear drop fall, quickly stopping himself from thinking negatively though because he didn't want to think of such upsetting things that he didn't have control over. so , soon san had met the edge of the woods, the rays of sunlight poking through the gaps, beautifully lighting up parts of the trees and shrubbery.

slipping through one of the gaps san found himself in a grassy and flowery field. squinting slightly, his pupils and vision adjusted to the sunlight, allowing him to focus on the beautiful of the field. the grass was a vibrant and bright green, flowers of so many different varieties poked out amongst the waves of green - ranging from pink and orange tulips to oxide daisies and purple petunias.

walking amongst the soft grass now, enjoying the way it soothingly brushed against his lower legs, san continued to move down towards the other side of the field, although there was one thing that stopped him in his tracks, a boy around his age with black, long , wavy hair and a muscular frame and tanned skin. freezing on the spot san squinted to try see what the boy was, almost letting out a massive sigh of relief he realised it was a pixie from the north region, he could tell from the hair colour.

shyly walking over in that direction , san fiddled with his thumbs, biting down on his lower lip nervously, what if the boy thought he was a weirdo..?

when the other boy heard foot steps he stood up again, two oxide daisies in his hands. once his head was lifted, he saw the small, blonde , smiley boy with pretty little dimples walking over to him.

raising his eyebrow expectantly , he waited for the blonde boy to introduce himself or explain why he was now standing by him.

flushing red out of embarrassment and realisation, san walked over by him, now looking up at him, stuttering out a shy response, he didn't quite think through what to say once he got to the pretty boy.

"u-uhm i was in the woods a-and found this field and um you're in it so i-i uh came over because i wa-wanted to talk to you. my na-name is san" san smiled shyly, hoping that was a decent introduction- hoping the other didn't think he was completely weird for what he said.

the other instead cooed softly, smiling down at san, speaking with a low and calm voice.

"well hey there sannie, i'm glad you're deciding to introduce yourself- you're adorable. i'm wooyoung, pleasure to meet you~" the other said, holding his hand with the daisies out, offering them to san with a cheeky smile.

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