Coming back

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I see 3 people walking up the mostly covered in leaves path, it's my parents and Draco. I try hiding but I know Draco knows where I am so I hide behind some wood again but it didn't work. After a few minutes I hear a "Ells" it is my mother. "Ells, come down from there." My brother called, I didn't come down but I did walk out and lean on the side, so everyone could see the mark that slap left on me, it wasn't too red but it did have a bruise. And it was noticeable. "How did you find me?" I ask not looking at them. "A girl, she is Sevurus Snapes daughter." My father said "Nakayi," I snapped my fingers "new I couldn't trust her" that definitely isn't true after awhile I trust Nakayi completely and I don't trust that many people! "Please come home, we miss you and want you safe" my mother said. "No, it's safer out here than in there" oh they knew what I was saying and I think you will know too. "I will say you brought it up" my father said and didn't even think to apologise. "Ha, not the one who slapped his own daughter." I'm still not looking at them, my mother and brother leave because they know me and my father have to talk.

"I know bringing that topic up is rough and I agree with you but I still don't see why you had to SLAP me!" I say looking at him this time. "I had a bad day and didn't think about what I was doing, I don't see why you had to run away?" "Well I don't think you would let me leave exactly, I had not much of a choice at that point." I jumped down in front of him. "I'm sorry for what I did." Ok, this is Ligit the first time he has ever apologised for something "thank you, and I will come home." I Say as I start walking, I didn't bring much so I left it there, I was coming back at some point anyway. I know my father looked at the mark on my face on the way home but it healed soon so it was fine.

That's the story of me running away, I have some more story's too tell you so I'll tell them soon!

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