Chapter 8

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I couldn't believe that she was actually standing in front of me.

"Hi Harry." She whispered.

I gave her a small smile and slowly walked up to her, I pulled her into a hug which she returned.

"I love you." I whisper in her ear.

"I missed you." She says and it broke my heart to not hear her say she loved me back but I did know that I would have to gain back her trust. I pulled back and took her hands in mine.

"I'm so glad you're back...I promise that I will be on my best behavior, I'll started taking my pills again I swear." I tell her.

"That's good to hear." She looks down at our linked hands.

"So where's Amelia?" I ask.

"She's with Liam at the house, I just wanted her to spend a little more time with Anne before she came back." I nod my head.

"Yeah...That's good." I say.

"So wanna explain to me why you're soaking wet?" She laughs wiping her wet hands on her shirt.

"Oh um I accidentally passed out in the shower and Liam had to pull me out." I explain.

"So you didn't bother to change clothes?" She points out.

"It's been a long day." I shrug.

"Okay, well I'm going to head upstairs and unpack." She gestures to the suitcase behind her.

"Of course." I smile as she walks past me.

"I won't be long." She calls from the stairs.

"Take your time." I fire back. I sigh and walk into the kitchen where I spot a note on the counter. I furrowed my eyes in confusion.

Where did this come from?

I pick it up and open it.

Dear Hazza,

You think you've won haven't you? I have more tricks up my sleeve that you won't see coming. I've been watching you since Calla left you and you haven't been doing too hot have you? The drinking, the anger, the hallucinations are holding you back isn't it? Don't be afraid Harry, I won't attack your pack again...But I can't say the same for Calla which by the way is upstairs right? I have eyes and ears everywhere mate and something tells me that you better run up those stairs before its too late.


My eyes widen as I drop the letter and rush over to the stairs. A strong smell of gasoline hits my nostrils as it seems to be coming from upstairs.


"CALLA!" I scream as I bolt up the stairs. When I was at the top my eyes widen at the sight in front of me.


It was everywhere.

How did he manage to set the house on fire without me knowing? Unless he did it while I was passed out in the tub...He hid the gasoline and somehow he managed to light it.

Sneaky bastard.

Shaking my head I look for any possible way around the fire. I look to my right and see an clearing near Liam's room so I took that as advantage to get by. Taking a deep breath I quickly run past the flames and directly in front of my room, I open the door to see Calla huddled in the corner with tears streaming down her face.

"Baby." I whisper and she looks up.

"H-Harry." She cries out as a wooden plank fell besides her.

"Don't worry love, I'm going to get you out of here." I tell her and she shake shakes her head.

"H-He was here Harry." She says.

"Who baby? Who was here?"

"Z-Zayn." She whimpers and I let out an low growl.

"I know baby. I know he did this." I say. I look around and see that the only thing she was by was the window. She could jump but it would be risky considering the house was a two story and there was nothing soft to land on. Not seeing any other option I link Liam.

'The house is on fire! Calla is trapped in my room! Get here fast!' I demand.

'Holy shit! We're on our way.'

Nodding I look back to Calla.

"Baby I'm gonna need you to come over to me." I coo to her.

"I-I can't." She stares at the flames in front of her.

"Yes you can baby...The path to me is clear for right now but if we wait any longer it will be engulfed in flames and so will this house." I explain to her.

"I'm scared Harry!" She cries.

"I know you are baby but you can do this, I know you can." I say.

She slowly stands up and takes small steps towards me, I smile at her bravery.

"Atta girl." I encourage her. I start to here the floor creak under her signaling that the fire has now reached downstairs.


Calla follows my gaze to the floor and starts to freak out.

"No, no, baby look at me." I try to regain her focus but she was frozen in fear. Suddenly the floor caves in on her right making her scream.


"Shit! Baby you have to run!" I scream as the floor falls in inch by inch. Calla starts to make a run for it but as soon as she took one step forward the floor caved in under her. She let's out a loud scream as she fell through.

"NOOOOO!" I howl as I watch her body vanish from my sight.


No words.

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