Chapter 12

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              34 days without Calla


"I don't see why you got me to come back here idiot, I told you I didn't want to see him." I tell Niall as we walk over to the pack house.

"Whether you like it or not he's still our friend, he's still your friend." He says as reach the porch.

"I never said he wasn't but sometimes he just pisses me off." I look around.

"Well we piss him off all the time so the feeling is mutual." He smile and knocks on the door. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion on why there was no answer.

"What the hell?" I whisper. Niall knocks once again and this time a little harder but still nothing.

"Okay I'm going to kick it down so stand back." I say and Niall backs away from the door. I raise my foot and in one swift motion I kick the door and watch it fall in. We step inside to see the house a complete mess. Their were bottles and diapers everywhere but no sign of Harry or Amelia.

"Harry?" I call out as we walked around the trashed room. Still not getting a response we walk into the kitchen to see Harry passed out on the floor and Amelia in her high chair.

"Oh my god!" Niall yells as he runs over to Harry.

"Hazza." He shakes his body which earns a groan from him.

"Mate wake up." He says and Harry slowly opens his eyes.

"W-What a-are you guys doing?" He asked, looking between us in confusion.

"We could ask you the same thing." I cross my arms.

"I'm fine." He slurs which makes me laugh in disbelief.

"Are you drunk?" I ask.

"No...I'm lightly buzzed." He says sitting up.

"How long has she been sitting up here?" I point to Amelia who was making a mess with her food.

"I don't know...About two hours." He shrugs.

"Two hours?! Are you fucking kidding me?" I growl.

"What's the big deal?" He asks as he stands up and walks over to Amelia.

"The big deal is that you left your baby unsupervised for two hours! Something bad could've happened." We follow behind him.

"Well it didn't okay so just drop it." He takes her out of the chair and over to the couch.

"Do you even fucking care about her?" I ask which made him stop walking and turn to face me.

"Did you really just fucking ask me that?" He growls.

"Yes I did." I stand my ground.

"You know damn well that I love her to death." He says.

"Well it sure doesn't seem like it." I scoff and a low growl leaves his chest.

"Do you think you can just come in here and tell me how to live my life? You don't know what I'm going through right now." He says.

"I would if you would just tell us." I fire back.

"Just forget it!" He yells which causes Amelia to start crying.

"Fuck." He mutters under his breath.

"Look, do you need any help?" I sigh.

"No." He answers bitterly.

"Harry you can barely keep your eyes open." Niall mentions as Harry's eyes start to close slowly.

"I'll manage." He tells us. I shoot Niall a glance before looking back at Harry who still had a crying Amelia in his arms.

"Amelia please." He begs as he bounces her up and down in an attempt to soothe her.

"She's not going to stop crying and I'm pretty fucking sure she's going to give me a headache so I guess you guys can maybe...Clean up the living room?" He suggests looking down.

"Sure mate." Niall gives him a small smile.

"Uh...Thanks." He nods his head.

"No problem." I say as I start to pick things off the ground. As we went through the endless items on the floor something white in a bag caught my eye. I picked it up and examined the white substance.


He's been taking drugs.

That's why he passed out.

'Niall come here.' I link him and he looks at me strangely before walking over to me. I show him the bag and his his eyes widen.

'Wait...So he's been-

'Yeah he has.' I finish.

We both look over to Harry who was fighting to stay awake as he was sitting on the couch with Amelia on his lap. I turn back to Niall.

'What are we going to do?' He asks me and I shake my head and look back over to Harry.

'He's too unstable right now, I don't know what he'll do if he gets angry or upset.'

'He could lash out.' Niall suggests.

'Yeah he could.' I sigh.

'What are you saying Louis?' He tilts his head in confusion.

'What I'm saying is that we don't know what he's capable hand I'm just afraid that he'll...' I stop linking and gesture my head towards the kitchen. He catches on and we both head into the kitchen. I look back into the living room to make sure that Harry wasn't listening but I'm pretty sure he wasn't because I start to hear the sound of soft snores leave his mouth. Sighing in relief I look back at Niall.

"What do you think?" He asks me.

"I think if we leave Amelia here any longer Harry might kill her."


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