Chapter 27

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"Luna please calm down!" The nurses try to soothe me but I wasn't having it.

"No! Don't touch me!" I cry out and they slowly back away. Huddling in the corner I look around for any type of escape but found none, two nurses were blocking the door.

I woke up a few minutes ago and I did not know what happened to me or how I got here but for some strange reason these people keep calling me 'Luna.'

What the hell is a Luna?

"The Alpha is on his way so try to keep her as stable as possible, we don't want her to pass out." A doctor tells a nurse.


The nurse nods and turns back to me with a smile on her face.

"Luna?" She whispers.

"W-Why y-you c-call me that?" I stumble over my words.

"Do you remember your name?" She asked and I nod slowly.

"M-Me C-Calla." I tell her.

"Okay that's good you remember. Now Calla you were in an terrible accident...Do you remember?" I take a moment to think.


The last thing I remember was Gemma teaching me my alphabet at the house with...Harry.

"H-Harry." I whisper.

"What was that Luna?"

"M-Me want Harry! W-Where is Harry?!" I demand and her eyes widen.

"Oh! You mean the Alpha?" I nod.

"He's on his way honey." She tells me and I relax a bit.

I lick my lips that were very dry and seemed like I haven't had water in days. I look up at the nurse who gave me a soft expression.

"W-Water?" I tilt my head.

"You want water?" I nod my head quickly. She rushes over to a table and picks up a water bottle. She walks back over to me and holds it out for me to take. I hesitantly take it from her hand and immediately start to open it. Taking off the top I start to chug it.

"Hey, hey, take it easy before you hurt yourself." The nurse laughs as she reaches for the bottle. I give her a threatening growl and she retracts her hand.

"Mine." I clutch the bottle to my chest.

"Okay." She holds her hands up in surrender.

I back even further into the corner.




I sprint through the double doors of the hospital in a hurry to reach my mate. After I informed everyone on what happened we immediately raced down here, not wasting a single second. Walking up to the reception desk I slam my hands down.

"Where's the Luna?" I ask the nurse behind the desk.

"In the same room Alpha, we tried to move her in a more suitable environment but she's not cooperating." She frowns and I nod.

"Thank you." I say about to walk past her but she placed a hand on my shoulder.

She gives me a sympathetic look.

"What is it?" I ask her.

"I just want to inform you that the Luna isn't...Herself. She is very scared and I don't want to get your hopes up that she'll trust you entirely." She tells me.

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