Chapter 17

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            Day 65 Without Calla

I make my way to the reception area as it has been awhile since I have visited Calla and even though nothing has changed it was still nice to see her body even if she wasn't conscious.

"Hello Alpha Styles." One of the nurse's greeted me as I walked up to the front desk.

I nod my head.

"Where's doctor Macy?" I ask her.

"She's with another patient right now but I will let her know that you are here." She smiles.

"Thank you." She nods and walks away. I take a seat over in a chair and look down at my watch.

9:30 A.M.

It was early which meant that not all the doctors were in yet but Macy was always here early which is why she's the only doctor that I actually rely on.

And she's not a bitch.

A few minutes later Doctor Macy walks up to me with a chart in her hand, I quickly stand up.

"Good morning, Alpha Styles." She bows her head in respect.

"Hi um...I just wanted to know if Calla has improved at all?" She looks at me sadly before shaking her head.

"She's the same unfortunately." I sigh.

"Uh...Thanks anyways." I turn around.

"Wait." She stops me. I turn back around to face her.

"Don't you wanna see her?" I shake my head.

"What's the point?" And with that I walk out the door.


Knocking on the door I wait patiently for an answer. A few seconds later the door flew open and I was greeted with the face of my mom.

"Hi...Mom." I wave.

"Hello dear." She smiles.

"C-Can I come in?" I ask.

"Sure." She opens the door wider and I step inside. I walk over to the sofa and take a seat.

"So where's Amelia?" I ask and she gives me an knowing look.

"I know that's not the reason you came by Harold." I sigh.

"No it's not, I just didn't want to be alone." I tell her and she frowns.

"You're not alone Harry." She takes a seat next to me.

"Well it sure in hell feels like it." I scoff.

"You got me." I grin.

"I know mom but you're not the one I'm missing the most." I tell her.

"I know you miss her honey." She gives me a look of pity.

"I went the see her today." Her eyes widen.

"Oh, and how did it go?" I shake my head.

"She's the same. I didn't even go into her room." I look over at the window, not wanting to meet her eyes.

"Why?" She asks.

"There wasn't really no reason I guess." I shrug.

"There is a reason behind everything Harry." She scolds.

"Then please enlighten me mother." I turn back to face her.

"You went to visit her but yet you didn't actually go see her...You're scared to face that fact that she'll never wake up. You're afraid that you'll be left all alone." I nod my head at the fact the she's right.

I am afraid.

So fucking afraid.

"I just don't think I can live without her mom." I cry and she pulls me into a hug.

"Shh, shh, don't cry my dear." She rubs my back as I let the pain and anger rise to the surface.

"I can't live without her." I hold on to her tighter.

"She'll be okay my love." She cooed, stroking my hair.

"How do you know?" I whisper.

"Because I have hope." She says.

"You're starting to sound like Gemma." She chuckles.

"Because she is right." I nod.

"I really think I lost her." I wipe my tears away.

"Maybe instead of focusing on what you've lost, you should try remembering what you'll never lose. The reason you beat Zayn and saved the pack is because you were driven by the love of your family, it's what drives you so as long as you stay true to yourself then the quicker you will get through this heart ache." She explains.

"And I know that heart ache isn't something that goes away easily but if you try to find a way to get through it then it becomes less painful." I sit up and look her in the eyes.

"You really think so?" I ask.

"Do you love Calla?" She asks.

"Of course I do." I answer quickly and she nods as if she already knew my answer.

"Then you'll never stop fighting for her." She places a hand on my knee.

"I have all these memories of her and now that's she gone they're dark...As if they are disappearing." I furrow my eyebrows.

"For every bad memory, there is a good one that will get you through it." She looks over to the plant on the table.

"And if not you'll just have to make some new ones." She says not taking her eyes off the plant.

"So you think I should keep fighting for her?" I tilt my head.

"Yes Harry. Never let that fire in you die like it did your father." My eyes widen at her words.

"Wait. You mean that-

"Yes. Even your father was afraid. He lost his faith at one point and in the end he died without it." She frowns slightly.

"I'm not him." I say.

"No you're not." She turns back to me.

"I won't give up on us. Ever." I feel something spark within me.

"I know you won't Harry." Her face brightens up.

"You know what makes a great Alpha?" I shake my head.

"It isn't their strength. It's being the light that everyone needs when the world grows dark. The kind of person that always wants to help. That's why being Alpha is your destiny. It's your way of helping others. Not mines. So it's up to you to find the will to move on." She places a kiss on my cheek before standing up.

"So what are you going to do?" She cocks her head to the side.

"I'm going to go see her." I stand up.

"That's the boy I raised." She smiles before walking away.

I nod gently and head towards the door and as I was about to open it someone beats me to it. On the other side I come face to face with Liam who had a look of panic on his face.

"Liam what's wrong?" I ask him, his eyes full of worry.

He takes a deep breath before speaking.

"Harry...It's Calla."





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- Or is it?

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