Chapter 9

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             21 days without Calla


I hold her hand in mines as she sleeps peacefully in her hospital bed. The image of her bloody figure once we found her laying unconscious in the living room kept me up most nights.

She's been in a coma for almost three weeks now and I was starting to loose hope that she'll ever wake up, when we managed to get her out of the fire me and the boys rushed her to the pack doctor and she had severe injuries such as a major concussion and a few broken ribs. We were told that her wolf would heal her but it could take some time. I have been by her side ever since that day, the boys would come visit her here and there but mostly they would look after Amelia while I was with Calla which I was thankful for.

I look over to the clock and see that it was getting late. I didn't want to leave her but the doctors said that their was a slim chance that she'd wake up in my absence. Making my decision I decided to head back to my newly repaired house. The fire spread fast and burned at least two acres of land but it only took 4 weeks to rebuild everything.

Once I made it to the porch I opened the the door and walked inside only to be met by the boys and Gemma who were all lounged on the couch watching TV.

"Hey." I give them a small smile.

"Hey mate, any news?" Liam asks, turning off the TV.

"No...She's still the same." I tell them and they all sigh in disappointment.

"This doesn't make any sense, she should have woken up already." Gemma growls.

"These things take time baby." Louis tries to soothe her but she stands up.

"How much time?!" She yells before storming off.

"Gemma!" Louis calls after her.

"Just let her be, she's upset." I tell him. I look around the room to see that Niall was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Niall?"

"He's upstairs changing Amelia's diaper." Liam laughs.

"You guys seriously put him on diaper duty?" I chuckle.

"He offered actually." Louis says.

"Really? Alright." I nod my head and mot a moment to spare Niall arrives in the living room with Amelia in his arms.

"Hi baby." I coo as Niall hands her to me. She babbles in my arms uncontrollably.

"So I heard uncle Ni changes your diaper?" I look up at Niall who blushes.

"It was nothing." He shrugs.

"Thanks mate, I really appreciate it." I tell him.

"No problem, so how's my little firecracker doing?" He smirks.

"Still the same." I give him the same answer as before.

"Shit Haz, I didn't mean to-

"Not it's okay." I stop him.

"I'm positive that she'll wake up soon." He gives me a pat on the back.

"Hopefully." I sigh looking at Amelia who starts to trace my tattoos.

Calla used to do that.

"You like daddy's tattoos?" I ask her and she looks up at me and giggles.

"She looks just like Calla." Liam smiles staring at Amelia in admiration.

"Yeah, she does." I grin.

Alpha's Journey [h.s.]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz