Chapter 31

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"I never thought that Calla would try to kill us...Guess I was wrong!" Niall says, sarcasm laced in his voice.

"She's not thinking straight." I tell him as I winced at the bite mark on my hand.

"Not thinking straight? Her crazy ass almost bit your hand off!" Louis stands up.

"Excuse me?" I glare.

"She's clearly lost it and who knows what she's capable of now that's she's out in the woods somewhere." I shake my head.

"We'll find her."

"And how do you propose we do that? Aren't you forgetting what happened the last time she wandered off? She got taken and it took us weeks to find her." He points out.

"But now I'll pretty sure she'll almost be impossible to track considering that she's in her wolf form." He continues.

"He's right, she's stronger and faster now that she shifted." Liam butts in.

I remain silent knowing that what they were saying was true.

She's going to be much more harder to find now that her senses are heightened.

She would smell us coming a mile away.

"What should we do Harry?" Liam turns to me.

"I-I don't know...I need time to think." I say and walk out the room and into my office.

Taking a seat in my chair I pull out a map of the territory. Looking down at it I try to spot all the places that Calla could have possibly ran off to.

Honestly she could be anywhere.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door making me sigh.

"Fuck off! I'm busy." I say not taking my eyes off the map.

"Harry?" A feminine voice calls and I instantly recognized it.


"What is it Gem?" I rub my face.

"The boys told me what happened and now mom's worried about you." She says and I groan.

"Tell her I'm fine." I say.

"She wants to see you."


"Okay...Tell her I'm not here."

"Harry she's not stupid."


"Motherfucker." I mumble standing up and walking over to the door.

I open it to see Gemma trying to hold in her laughter.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"You." She says.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes brushing past her.

Walking into the living room I see my mom sitting on the couch.

"Hey mom." I say and she looks up.

"Oh honey." She stands up and brings me into a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry darling."

"I'm alright." I whisper.

She pulls back and gives me a knowing look.

"Don't lie to me Harold."

"Okay maybe I'm not alright but once we find her I'll feel much better." I nod to myself.

"Do you have any leads?" I shake my head and place my hands on my hips.

"I was going over dad's map but no place on there gave me a clue on where she could be."

"That's impossible." She says.

"It's clearly is since we don't even know where to start looking yet.

"Can you get her scent?"

"I would have to go out and look first." I tell her.

She gasps in shock.

"You haven't even gone out to look for her yet?" I nod in shame.

"Harry." Her face held disappointment

"I can't just up everything and leave the pack to look for someone who probably doesn't want to be found!" I snap.

"What does that mean?"

"It means that she probably doesn't even want to come back home...Or to me." I turn away.

"That's not true honey and you know it, she loves you."

"Then why did she leave me? Why did she leave Amelia?" Her face held pity.

"Sometimes people do things and they don't even know the reason. She probably did this because she's scared."

"Of what?" I chuckle dryly.

"Of what she's becoming." My eyes widen.


"It's been weeks since she's been out of the hospital. Have you noticed any changes in her behavior?" She narrows her eyes.

"Well she has been a little short tempered and distance towards me but I don't-

"The side effects have kicked in." Her voice falters.

"What side effects?"

"Remember what Doctor Macy warned us about?" I nod slowly in understanding.

"Calla could potentially be going through withdrawal and can be experiencing hallucinations."

"So that's why she's been acting so strange. She's seeing things."

"Or hearing things." She adds.

"Often patients who wake up from a dramatic event can develop a split personality other than their wolf, the consciousness creates an alter ego who takes over the wolf in order to live." She explains.

"T-That's bloody insane."

"But it's true. She has an alter ego that may be telling her things...If we don't find her soon then I'm afraid that this voice will take over her until she won't know the difference between right or wrong." My eyes widen in concern.

"I-I should have figured this out sooner. I should have been the one to notice first but...I didn't. And knows she's gone off to God knows where." I start to tug on my hair tightly.

"Don't blame yourself Harry there is nothing that you could have done to prevent this, it would have happened eventually." She places a hand on my shoulder.

"Then what do we do?" I ask.

"It's not we it's you."

"You're not going to help me?"

"Harry you don't need me to succeed in this journey, all you need is those brave boys over there." She gestures to the kitchen where the boys were at.

"You have it in you to make things right."

"Y-You're right." I smile.

"I always am. Now go be the hero that she needs."

"Okay." She smiles and kisses my cheek before walking away.

I sigh and head into the kitchen.

"Boys." I gain their attention.

"What is it mate?" Liam gives me a confused look.

"Get your shit together." I turn around.

"Wait why?" Niall asks.

I stop walking and turn back to face them.

"Because we're going to get our girl back."


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