Chapter 36

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It's been approximately 4 weeks since me and Harry have had sex and let me tell you that I wasn't feeling well. I also haven't had my period so now I was really worried.

Harry told me that it was probably a cold since it was winter and the air was really chilly outside. But I on the other hand thought it was something more than that.

"Calla?" Two fingers snap in front of my face making me blink rapidly.

"Huh?" I look around to see Harry staring at me confused.

"I've been calling your name for five minutes, are you okay?" He asked.

"Uh...Yeah." I nod.

"Please don't tell me that you were thinking about your cold again?" He gives me a knowing look.

"I don't think it's a cold Harry." I shake my head.

"Then what else could it possibly be?" I sigh.

"Remember when we has sex a few weeks ago?" He nods slowly.

"Well I haven't had my period in awhile which never really happened unless..." I trail off.

"Unless what?" He pushes.

"What if there is a small chance that I might be...Pregnant?" I ponder and his eyes widen.

"Oh hell no! Calla that can't be it!" He stands up.

"Maybe it is, you didn't use a condom after all." He growls lowly.

"Shit." He starts to tug on his hair while pacing back and fourth.

"What wrong? D-Do you not want to have another baby?" His eyes widen.

"No! No baby it's not that it's just...I mean we already have Amelia to take care of and I-I don't think we're really ready to have another baby." He explains.

"I-I think we're ready." I mumble.

He sighs and walks up to me.

"Are you sure love?" He grabs my hand.

"Mhm." I smile.

Harry looks me in the eyes for a few seconds before chucking.

"Alright then...I guess we're having another baby." I jump up and down in joy.

"But we have to be sure so we'll have to go see Doctor Macy." He tells me.

"Okay." I agree

"Great! I'll make an appointment for us tomorrow." He smiles before walking over to the door.

"Wait! Where are you going?"

"Someone's gotta tell the boys." He groans.

"Why? No more surprises?" I tease.

"Nah, I mean at this point they shouldn't be surprised."

"That is very true." I giggle.

"Wish me luck."

I scoff and roll my eyes.

He closes the door behind him and a few moments later I hear loud voices boom throughout the house.

"SHE'S WHAT?!" One yells.


"DAMN! A CONGRATULATIONS WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE!" This time it was Harry's voice.

I try to hold in my laughter at the boys outrageous accusations.

Walking over to the bed I take a seat and look down at me stomach.

Rubbing it slightly I couldn't help but smile at the little boy or girl that was growing inside of me.

"Well here we go...Again." I whisper.


"Okay Calla I'm going to need you to take a deep breath so I can find a heartbeat." Doctor Macy instructs and I nod.

Today was the day to see if I actually was pregnant. I was really nervous actually, even though I have been through this process before it all just seems new to me. I have been in a coma for months so it feels like I've been missing out on a lot of time and now my mind was all fuzzy and out of place, thank god that I have Harry by my side or I would for sure  go crazy.

"Alright Luna I'm starting to get something..." She mumbles.

I look over to Harry who had a bright smile on my face. A seconds later Doctor Macy pulls the instrument that she had on my stomach off and looked over at me and Harry with a grin.

"Congratulations Alpha! The Luna is indeed pregnant." Tears start to prick my eyes at the newfound information.

I'm pregnant.

"I'm so happy baby!" Harry pulls me into a hug which I gladly return.

"Me too." I say.

"Do you know the gender?" Harry asked the doctor and she shook her head.

"It's still too early to tell but come back in about 2 weeks and I could check." She tells us.

"Will do. Thank you Macy." Harry nods his head firmly.

"No problem. I'll give you two some privacy." She says heading for the door.

I sigh and sit up.

"What's wrong?" Harry frowns.

"N-Nothing I'm just a little nervous is all." I tell him.

"You have nothing to be nervous about darling, I will always be by your side not matter what." He give me a reassuring smile.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too baby." He pulls me in for a soft kiss. I grin before kissing him back. A few seconds later he pulls away making me pout.

"Don't worry love, there will be plenty of time for victory sex but right now I want to go home and think of some baby names." He laughs.

"I think I already have one in mind." I smirk.

"Really?" He raises an eyebrow.


"What is it?" I shake my head and leaned back a little in the bed.

"It's a secret."


Since you a have been begging for another chapter! Here it is.

The next one will be the last for sure! Also don't worry! I didn't forget about a certain little girl.



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