Chapter 10

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           27 Days Without Calla

Seconds turn into hours.

Days turn into weeks.

And weeks turn into months.

It's been a month since Calla's been in a coma and she's not improving at all, matter of fact she has remained the same since day one.

I was getting extremely worry but the doctor told me that it takes time for the patient to fully heal. I understand that but...

How much time?

I am currently sitting in the living room with Amelia in my lap watching TV. She's been a handful for the past few days and I understand why.

She misses her mommy.

She's been very short tempered and has even tried to throw things at me a couple of times which pissed me off but I knew that was her way of coping...Even if my balls are sore. I haven't seen the boys in days which was probably from the best considering what went down last time. I know they are mad at me but at this point I couldn't give two shits about them, all I am focusing on is my daughter and mate.

The hell with the rest of them.

The oven dings and that was my cue to get up and go take the cookies that I made out. I sigh and take Amelia off my lap and put her on the couch.

"Daddy's going to be right back." I tell her but she only giggles. As I enter the kitchen I grab the oven mittens and slip them onto my hands, opening the oven I take out the pan and sit it on top of the stove to cool. Taking the mittens off I walk out of the kitchen and head back to the couch where I see Amelia's eyes focused on the screen in front of her.

"Dada is back princess." I smile and she turns to face me. Babbling as always I pick her up and head towards the door. We really needed to get out of the house and I knew exactly where to go.


"Hey love." I whisper placing a kissing on her knuckles as she laid motionless on the bed. Amelia was in my lap just staring down at her probably confused on why she wasn't talking, she even tried to poke her a few times. She's misses her so much and so do I.

"So me and Amelia baked cookies." I laughed slightly. The only sound heard was the beeping of the heart monitor.

"I think they're chocolate chip, I wasn't quite sure because I could barely read the bloody words on the package." I say. There was still no movement which I expected but I wish there was.

"I r-really miss you my love." My voice cracks as I feel myself starting to tear up.

"The boys and Amelia really need you...I really need you. Just p-please come back to me." I plead finally letting the tears fall. But I get the same reaction for the last twenty seven days.


Sighing I place a small kiss on her forehead before standing up and heading out the door.

When I returned home I notice the mess in the living room. Toys, bottles, diapers, and clothes were everywhere on the floor but I just haven't had the strength or energy to clean up so I just walk over it and back to my spot on the couch. Sitting down I look at the black screen in front of me. I was never really the one to actually chill and watch TV unless it was with Calla but we all knew that wouldn't be any time soon. I look down to see Amelia staring at me with her bright green eyes.

"What is it baby girl? Are you hungry?" I ask in a baby-ish voice. As if on cue her stomach grumbles which in fact did indicate that she was indeed hungry.

"Alright sugar daddy is going to be back with a nice warm bottle for you." I tell her and stand up heading into the kitchen but as soon as I take to steps to it a tiny voice speaks up from behind me and it said.



Amelia finally spoke her first words!

What do you think will happen next? 💫

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