Chapter 34

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"LOUIS!" Niall screamed as he ran over to Louis' motionless body. He started to shake him vigorously but got no reaction. I didn't move as I was in too much shock to do so, instead I listened for any sign of life. Moments passed when I heard a very slow heart beat.

He was alive but barely.

"Harry! Help him!" Niall turns to me with tears streaming down his face. I nod and crouch down next to him, placing my hand on Louis' chest to stop the bleeding.

"His pulse is weak." I tell him.

"We need to get him out of here." Niall says and I shake my head.

"Harry? What's going on?" I hear two sets of footsteps enter the kitchen followed by a loud scream.

"LOUIS!" Gemma cried out as she tried to run to him but Liam was quick to hold her back.

"Give him some space." Liam tells her but Gemma shakes her head in denial.

"No. Let me see him! Harry tell him to let him go!" She demands.

I give her a look of pity before looking down at my dying friend.

He wasn't going to make it to the hospital, the only reason he was  hanging on is because he's a wolf but if he was human he would have died already. He would bleed out before we got close to the hospital. Taking a deep breath I look over to Calla who was now in the corner of the room with the knife still in her grasp but she didn't look like she was all there.

"Liam get Calla and Gemma out of here." I order him.

"Yes Alpha." He says before rushing over to Calla and taking her by the hand.

"We have to get him to the hospital Harry." Niall's frantic voice reminds me.

"H-He's not going to make it Niall." His eyes widen.

"W-What?" His voice quivers.

"There's nothing we can do."

"I-It's okay Niall." We both look down to see Louis who barely had his eyes open.


"I'm still here...Kinda." He laughs slightly in pain.

"Don't you dare die on me Louis Tomlinson." Niall states sternly.

"Y-You do care." He smirks.

"I always did you fucker."

"I'm so sorry Louis." I apologize.

"Don't be...It's okay."

"No it's not!" I yell.

"I'll be okay...I heard hell has a great sports channel." I laugh.

"You're not going to hell Louis."

"Well I sure ain't going to heaven." He coughs.

"You're not going nowhere because you aren't dying." Niall tries to assure himself.

"B-But if I do...Bury me next to my mom." He whispers. My heart aches at his words, his mom passed away from cancer a few months ago and it's really been hitting him hard. He never really mentioned it until now.

I nod my head trying not to tear up.

"I-I will."

He smiles softly before his eyes started to flutter shut.

"Louis?" I start to look over him in worry. When he doesn't respond my heart started to beat really fast in panic.

"Louis!" I place my hand on his chest.

Alpha's Journey [h.s.]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora