Chapter 14

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              55 Days Without Calla


You gotta help me, I'm loosing my mind. I keep getting the feeling that they're gonna leave me all behind. I thought we were going strong, I thought we were holding on.

Aren't we?

Sure they don't teach you this in school but my heart is fucking aching and I don't know what else to do. My baby is gone, my mate is gone and possibly my will to go on is slowly dying. I've been getting angry a lot lately and I have no idea why...Oh wait yes I do, my baby was taken from me by who I thought were my friends and my mate has been in a coma for almost two months. I'm fucking livid.

They say that they're supposed to be my best friends but friends don't go behind each other's back and steal the only thing they have left.

I hate them.

I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them.

People think that I'm going insane, saying that I'm not who I used to be but I think I am myself just a little...Unpredictable.

I stopped eating and drinking days ago, the only thing that has been going through my body is the large amount of cocaine lines that I have been snorting up for the past three hours. I couldn't help but get high, it numbs the pain in my body. The euphoria takes over and I feel at ease but just for a little bit until it wears off. I know nobody would approve of my actions but I just don't know what else to do at this point. I sigh and look out the window to see children playing with their parents. Must be nice to have your mate and child by your side, to feel that sense of joy and security knowing that their safe in your arms. I grab the bottle of whiskey off the table and take a swig out of it. The burning sensation tingles down my throat as I start to feel the numbness takeover.

Smiling in contempt I lean back on the couch and let the whiskey take me away from reality and into the darkness that I tried to keep away for so long. I don't need them, I don't need anybody. They could all go the hell.

"Burn." I chuckle quietly.

"They all could fucking burn!" I start to laugh uncontrollably.

Maybe I am going insane.


"Oh my god, this place is a mess." A voice echoes around me.

"I don't think he cares anymore." Another voice says.

"Do you think we made the right decision on taking Amelia?" I now could make out the voice and it sounded like Niall.

"Hell yeah, he's unstable and not thinking straight." Louis says. I snap my eyes open to see the boys and Gemma standing around me.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" I growl making them jump in surprise.

"Mate." Liam sighs placing a hand on my shoulder but I was quick to brush it off.

"Don't touch me!" I spit.

"I'm sorry mate." He apologizes.

"I'm not your fucking mate." I mumble looking down at my lap which was soaking wet.

I must have passed out and spilled the whiskey.

"You don't mean that." He shakes his head.

"Oh yes I do, you lost that title the moment you took my baby from me." He frowns.

"You left us with no choice." He tells me and I scoff.

"There were plenty of choices Liam, you chose the wrong one." I growl.

"What were we supposed to do?! Let you sit up here and kill your own baby?" He snaps.

"I would never hurt her. " I sit up.

"Yeah right." He laughs bitterly.

"I could keep her safe." I tell him.

"You said the same thing to Calla and look where that got her?!" He yells.

The room falls silent.

I know he did not just say that.

Once he sees my facial expression his eyes widen in realization.

"Harry that's not what I meant." He steps back.

"But that's what you fucking said!" I stand up and walk over to the window.

"We just care about you man." Niall speaks up.

"If you cared about me then you wouldn't have took the only thing that I had left." I take a deep breath.

"You do realize that Calla's not dead, right? She could wake up any day now." I shake my head in denial.

"She's never going to wake up." I sigh in defeat.

"Things like this take-

"Time? It's been two months and she's still the same. How much time does she need to come back to me?" I turn around to face them.

They remain quiet.

"That's what I thought." I stumble over to the front door.

"Woah, where are you going?" Liam asks. I sigh and turn back around.

"Where the fuck do you think?"


I'm freaking out guys!

Where do you think Harry is going?

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