Chapter 19

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                    6 Months Later

It's been exactly six months since I've last went to see Calla and let me tell you that it has been going fairly well. The bright side of it that I didn't have to see her motionless body in that hospital bed not moving because of the mistake that I made.

I know it may sound selfish but I vowed that I would never put her in any danger ever again and I am going to live up to that. Lately I've been catching up on some Alpha duties and things that needed to be taken care of around the pack, knowing that Calla wouldn't be waking up anytime soon and the fact that I have given up hope that she would I decided to continue my life as the man I was before I met Calla.

I haven't really spoken much to the boys since I have been focused on more important things and they seemed to have moved on with their lives too which I didn't blame them for. Their lives didn't have to stop just because mines did, we all had to eventually move on and find some common ground. I now had Amelia back which was a bright side since I haven't been able to see her but I have gotten better now with my temper. She has grown a lot over the past six months and even starting to talk a little. But the only word she could really say was daddy.

"D-Daddy!" She gurgled from the play mat I sat her on.


"Hi baby." I smile from the kitchen table. I was planning on to do some work in my office but I needed to keep an eye on her since she was in the living room so the kitchen was the best option. Mostly I was thinking about getting alliances from nearby packs to help out if any other wars happened but oddly there has been nothing but peace. I'm glad that something was going right around here considering that I didn't have the best of luck.

"D-Daddy p-pway?" Amelia asked me and my eyes widen in shock at her new word.

She never said that before.

"Of course I'll play with you." I walk over to her.

She was almost two and she's is already developing a big vocabulary.

It made my heart swell.

I played with Amelia for a few hours until night fall, when we both fell asleep.


The next day I woke up feeling a little more optimistic which was strange but why fight it?

Of course this was all new to me you know? Without Calla I am missing apart of me but things change. I know how hard it is when everything we know to be true changes. But sometimes all we can do is just accept the way things are, and make the best of it.

I've been trying for the last few months to get forgiveness from the gods above of the things I did in the past but I came for realize that forgiveness isn't something that you give to somebody who hurts you. Forgiveness is something you give to yourself. I need to learn that or else my past will continue to haunt me and I might never find a way to escape it. Getting up from bed I head into Amelia's room, looking down at her crib I see her sucking on her pacifier lightly. She always looked so cute when she sleeps, I guess she gets that from her mother. Smiling softly I pick her up and place her tiny body on my hip. I walk out the room and head down the stairs, setting Amelia in her high chair I start to make breakfast. A knock at the door catches my attention, I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

Who could that be?

I haven't had a visitor in months.

Finally reaching the door I open it to be greeted with a face I haven't seen in months.

"Hi Mate." He smiles.

"Hey Liam." I nod. We kinda just stared at each other for a while.

Well this is awkward.

"So...How have you been?" He tries to break the ice.

"I'm alright...How about you?" I clear my throat.

"Good, good, just been taking it one day at a time." He places his hand in his pockets.

"Yeah I get you." I say.

He looks around for any type of distraction.

I know I'm going to regret this.

"Would you like to come in?" I ask him and his eyes lit up.

"I thought you'd never ask." He smiles.

Stepping to the side I gesture for him to enter which he gladly does. Closing the door behind him I walk back into the kitchen while Liam takes a seat on the couch.

"Would you like anything to eat?" I offer him.

"No I'm good." I nod and start to cut Amelia some fruit.

Once I was done I sat it in her tray and walked into the living room where Liam was. Taking a seat next to him I cross my legs.

"So what brought you by?" He sighs.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing and I...Missed you." He confesses and I look taken aback.

"Y-You did?" I ask in disbelief.

"Of course, you're my best mate Harry. Just because we have been moving on with our lives doesn't mean we aren't friends anymore." I give him a small smile.

"Thanks...I didn't think you guys cared anymore." I shrug.

"We all care mate it's just that life catches up with us, you know?" I nod my head in agreement.

"Yeah." I breath in.

"Where's Amelia?"

"In the kitchen eating fruit." I laugh.

"I'm gonna go say hi." He stands up.

"Alright." I say.

Looking around the room I stare at the photos of Calla and I on the wall. Squinting my eyes I get up and walk over to the wall, studying the photos I see a picture of Calla and I holding Amelia for the first time. Another one shows us cuddling on the sofa. But the one that really caught my eye was the one we took on our last Christmas together. She looked so happy and so did I. Taking the frame off the wall I examine it closely, she was sitting on my lap while drinking a cup of hot chocolate. I never thought that I would have to look at a distance memory in order to feel whole again but I guess now I have to. Turning it around I spot tiny words that look like it was written in pen. I tilt my head as my curiosity was peaked and started to read it.

Dear Harry,

I would rather run with you forever than stand alone without you. Remember that I'm always going to be by your side. No matter what worlds try to keep us apart, I will always be with you. 

Merry Christmas Harry.


I didn't know I was crying until I see a tear hit the ink of the small message left.


Don't look back.

Keep moving forward.

I wipe my tears away quickly before hanging the photo back on the wall. Sighing I pull myself together and start to turn around but not before taking once last glance at the photo.

"Never look back."


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