Chapter 22

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           190 Days Without Calla

"Are you seriously not going to eat this?" I ask Amelia who refused to eat her food.

She pouted and turned her head.

I sighed, "Baby I'm very tired and you being a bloody nuisance isn't helping." I groan. She starts to babble incoherently which I took as an opportunity to slip the spoon past her lips.

"Ha!" I laugh but not a second later she spits it out on my face.

"Amelia." I growl wiping my face with my shirt. She laughs as if it was the funniest thing in the world.

"Okay! I'm done!" I throw my hands up.

She giggles and starts to clap.

"You are so lucky that you're a fucking baby." I mumble.

I walk into the leaving room and turn on the TV but as soon as I was about to sit down someone knocks on the door.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I curse walking towards the door. When I opened it I saw that it was Louis.

"Hey mate." He grins.

"Louis." I nod firmly.

"Can I come in?" He asks and I move out the way.

"Thanks." He walks inside.

"I don't want to come off as rude or anything but what the hell are you doing here?" I ask.

"Real smooth." He chuckles.

I shrug.

"Well I figured after last night's events you would want a little company." I roll my eyes.

"If this is what about Niall said then you don't need to worry because I'm fine." I try to assure him.

"That's going to be your excuse for the rest of your life, isn't it?" He narrows his eyes.

"Till the day I die." I give him a fake smile.

"So where's your kid?" He asked looking around the room.

"In the kitchen playing with her food." I sigh.

"She wouldn't let you feed her?" I nod my head.

"Yeah she's starting to become a pain in my ass." I tell him and he laughs.

"Yeah well she's about to be two and that's the age when they start to become little fuckers." He says.

"Yes indeed." I agree with him.

"But I'm pretty sure that Calla will wake up by then." I bite my lip.

"I hope so."

"Don't give up mate. I know it seems like forever but she'll come around." He smiles softly.

"Thanks Lou."

"No problem." He yawns.

"Are you tired?" His eyes widen.

"Um...Well you see me and Gemma had a bet..." He trails off.

"What did you do?" I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"We had a deal, if she fell asleep before I did then I said she's going to get fucked for two hours straight...And if I lost then she would give me blue balls for two hours."

My face scrunches up in disgust.

"So let me guess...You fell asleep first?" He smiles and shakes his head.

"Nope, she did." I give him a confused look.

"Then why are you so tired?"

"Because I fucked her for two hours straight with no mercy and my dick is sore." My eyes widen.

"YOU FUCKING RAILED MY SISTER FOR TWO HOURS STRAIGHT?!" I scream in anger and a bit of shock.

"What can I say? She's a really good fuck and it takes a lot for me to nut." He rhymes and I take a deep breath.

"I'm surrounded by idiots." I groan.

"Hey, not my fault that your sister is fucking hot." He closes his eyes.

"Gee thanks." I say sarcastically.

"You just mad because you haven't got laid in months." He teases.

"Well as you can see I have no one to get laid with." I tell him as if it wasn't obvious.

"Oh yeah." He nods.

"I'm so done with this discussion." I say walking towards the door.

"Grab Amelia." I tell him.

"Why?" He asks.

I sigh.

"Because I'm taking her to see her mother."


When me and Louis arrived at the hospital I immediately headed straight to Calla's room. As usual she was still the same.

"She looks dead." Louis comments and I turn to him with a deadly glare.

"Sorry." He mumbles looking around the room.

"Go lay with mommy darling." I place Amelia down on the side of Calla. She immediately snuggles into her.

"M-Ma." She gurgles.

Me and Louis eyes widen at her words.

"Did she just say..." Louis trails off.

"Yeah she did." I say with a hint of pride in my voice.

My baby was growing up...And Calla's not even awake to see it.

"It's okay to cry mate." Louis tells me sincerely.

"I'm not going to cry." I cough.

"Sure you weren't." He rolls his eyes.

"Shut the hell up."

"Pussy." He whispers and I growl.

"Louis." I warn.

"Okay I'm done." He says.

"Thank you." I look back at Amelia who was trying to get under Calla's arms.

"Darling." I chuckle picking her up.

"N-No." She starts to kick her feet.

"Hey! None of that." I frown.

"W-Wan M-Mommy!" She starts to cry.

"I think you should put her down mate." Louis gives me a concerned look.

"I can't because visiting hours are almost over and it's time for her bedtime." I tell him.

"M-Mommy!" She starts to cry even harder.

"I'm sorry baby but we gotta go and you need a nap."

"No!" She lays her head on my shoulder in defeat.

"I promise I'll bring you back tomorrow." I tell her.

"P-Pwomise?" She looks up at me.

I smile.



Okay I rewrote this twice and I like this version better ❤

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