Chapter 11

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A/N Vote and comment 💫



That one word sent my body into overdrive as I ran towards her and engulfed her in my arms.

She spoke.

My baby spoke.

"Say it again darling." I tell her as I feel tears start to brim my eyes. She startled to giggle which made me smile but what made me smile even harder was when she said it again.

"D-Dada!" She squealed. I kissed her cheek.

"Yeah baby, I'm dada." I finally let the tears fall down my face. I never thought she would start to speak this soon but I'm sure glad she did.

Only if Calla were here.

Not being able to contain my excitement I link the boys and tell them to get over here right away. In the meantime I started to clean the living room and do a little laundry while I wait. I really hope things wouldn't be awkward considering how things what down last time, I just pray that there wouldn't be any tension especially on a day like this.

What felt like forever I finally finished cleaning up so now I was waiting for the boys to arrive which would be any minute now. Grabbing Amelia I sit her on my lap to face me.

"Okay princess when the boys get here you have to say Dada, okay?" I tell her and she starts to babble.

"D-Dada! D-Dada!" She yelled and I smirked.

"Good girl baby but save that for when they get here." And as if on cue there was a knock on the door.

I rush over to the door and open it to be met with the boys, my mom, and Gemma.

"Hey." I give them a small smile.

"Hey." Louis says bitterly as he brushes past me and into the living room, the others following closely behind.

"So why did you call us here?" Louis asks as he takes a seat on the couch.

"I wanted to tell you guys some good news." I say standing in front of them with Amelia in my arms.

"What is it mate?" Liam asked.

"Well...Amelia said her first word!" I announce and everybody faces lit up.

"WHAT?!" Niall screams looking at Amelia in astonishment.

"Yup, she said Dada." I smile proudly.

"D-Dada!" She shouts and everyone cooed at her.

"Oh my god!" Gemma squeals and runs up to me, taking Amelia out my arms.

"Such a good girl." She starts to tickle her. I shake my head at my sister's childish nature.

"Alright relax babe before you smother her to death." Louis rolls his eyes which make me cock my head to the side.

"What's your problem?" I ask him and he scoffs.

"I think you know what my problem is mate." He says.

"I do but I think we can move past that for the benefit of my baby." I growl.

"Sure." He gives me a fake smile.

Rolling my eyes I look down to see that Amelia was slowly starting to fall asleep.

"I hate to cut this reunion short but looks like my princess is sleepy." I start to bounce her up and down.

"That's understandable." Liam nods his head as he stands up.

"I think we should be going also, it's getting late anyway." He says.

"Yeah." Niall agrees, heading to the front door.

"You both do realize that we live here too, right?" Gemma points out.

"Oh yeah." Niall laughs as he turns away from the door and starts to head upstairs.

"Sorry, we've been staying at Anne's." Liam says.

"She must enjoy your company." I snicker.

"I think so!" Niall shouts.

"Of course you do." I mumble.

"Well I'm heading to bed." Liam gives me a pat on the back.

"See you in the morning Haz." He says and before disappearing upstairs. That left me with Gemma and Louis.

"So...Are you two staying?" I ask.

"Yes." Gemma smiles.

"No we are not." Louis grabs her hand.

"Stop being an ass." She growls.

"I'm not I just don't want to stay here with a man who can't control his fucking emotions." He spits.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I laugh bitterly.

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" He asks.

"My mate is in a fucking coma and you're really telling me how to fucking feel? How the hell would you feel Louis if it was her?" I point to Gemma who cowers back at our loud voices.

"I would be upset but I sure in hell wouldn't be making harsh decisions." He tells me and I shake my head.

"Whatever, if you're going to go then just go. I won't stop you." I turn away.

"C'mon babe." He says before I hear footsteps walk away from me and the sound of the door slamming. I sigh and look down at an sleeping Amelia.

"I guess it's just you and me now."


My heart! ❤

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