Chapter 16

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            62 Days Without Calla

After visiting my father I decided to head back to the house but when I arrived I found it completely empty. I look at the clock to see that it was almost midnight.

It's late.

Sighing I throw my keys on the coffee table and take a seat on the couch.

What do I do now?

I put my face in my hands and groan loudly.

"Penny for thoughts?" A soft voice says. I look up to see Gemma standing in front of me with a look of pity.

"I thought you left?" I whisper.

"The others did but I decided to stay awhile and besides I wanted to make sure that you came back." I roll my eyes.

"Why wouldn't I not come back?" She laughs slightly.

"Because I know you Harry. You always run away from your problems instead of facing them." I growl lowly.

"You don't know what you're talking about." I deny.

"You can't make up for your past Harry, but you can prevent all those mistakes from happening now if you let someone in." She tells me.

"I can't!" I yell.

She takes a step back by my sudden outburst.

"I-I just can't." I speak a little more softer.

"Why not Harry?" She tilts her head.

"Because I don't know how!" I throw my hands up.

"These feelings I have right now I just can't explain to other people...The only person who understood was-

"Calla." She cuts me off.

"Yeah...She was the only person who I could open up to because she always reassured me that everything would be okay but things are not okay Gemma. She's gone and I'm probably never going to see her again." My voice cracks at the end.

"That's not true Harry." I shake my head.

"Yes it is." I look down.

"You told me once that life is precious and you wanted more from it than Calla could offer you. Don’t give up on that. The only way that you're gonna survive this is if I know that you’re out there living your life, happy."

"How can I be happy if the love of my life is in the hospital bed and might not ever wake up?" I look up at her.

"Hope." Was all she said.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You have to learn to keep hope alive because sometimes that's the only thing that can keep you going. Harry, you have to have hope or else all this fear and darkness inside will destroy you." She explains. I nod at her words.

"How can I possibly move forward?" I feel a tear slowly fall down my face.

"Sometimes the only way to move forward is to revisit the things in your past that were holding you back. You have to deal with them head on, no matter how scary they may be. Because once we do you will see that you can go further than you ever imagined. Let your past in Harry, all those happy memories of Calla, with Amelia and the boys. I know it hurts now but if you relive your best moments of your life then the pain will ease up." She takes a seat next to me.

She was right.

All this time I've been focusing on what my future could be without Calla but I haven't even thought about my past with her. I have been stuck on the way we parted rather than the way we met. I remember that day as if it was yesterday, seeing her in the state of fear in pain made my heart break but I changed that because I saved her...And maybe it was time to save myself.

"Y-You think I can heal?" I play with the ring on my finger.

"I believe that you can do anything you want to Harry, you just have to keep the love in your heart pure." She smiles.

"Well my love is hurting right now." I laugh bitterly.

"Love's the most powerful emotion and that makes it the most dangerous." She takes a deep breath.

"I hate it when you're right." She giggles.

"What can I say? I have always been the smartest in the family." I roll my eyes.

"So I'm dumb?" She shakes her head.

"I don't think you're dumb Harry...Just confused." She winks.

"That is true." I sigh.

"I know." She stands up and heads to the stairs.

"You going to bed?" I stand up also.

"Yup! I'm tired." She yawns.

I grin and walk over to her.

"Thank you Gemma." I say.

She turns around and gives me a confused look.

"For what?" She asks.

"Helping me see the light." I smile a bit.

"You didn't need my help Harry. You just needed to understand that everything happens for a reason." She crosses her arms.

"So you think Calla going into a coma was by faith?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"No I don't think that at all but what I'm saying is that maybe she had to fall in order for you to rise." And with that she walked upstairs, leaving me in question.


I think Gemma might have a point...❤

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Alpha's Journey [h.s.]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora