Chapter 4: The Princess

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Aurora's POV

"Aurora, wake up!" Dylan yelled from the end of her bed next to mine. I sat up.

"What time is it?" I asked sitting up and moving my hair out of my face.

"We have 30 minutes until Potions class." Dylan said buttoning up her shirt.

"And one thing I remember about this place is Snape isn't pleasant when you're late." I said getting out of bed and pulling my skirt and shirt out of my trunk.

"I can't believe I have to wear this uniform again." I grumbled.

"Yeah speaking of that, how much trouble did you get in for not having your robes on last night when you made you grand entrance? You looked so hot by the way." Dylan told me.

"Oh ya know, a disapproving look from McGonagall and a snide comment from Snape." I shrugged.

I managed to throw on some makeup and we rushed off to Potion's class. We were almost late so by the time we made it to class there were only two open seats, one next to Hermione and one next to.. Draco. Hermione isn't very fond of me so Dylan went to that seat. I guess I'll deal with sitting by Draco.

Ron whispered to Harry in front of us; "How cute the Prince and Princess of Slytherin"

He didn't know we heard him so I let it go and rolled my eyes. I can't believe they are still calling me tha-

"Didn't think everyone forgot did you?" Draco leaned over and whispered to me.

I looked at him for a second and got a little lost in his eyes. Such a pretty grey-blue color. He really wasn't the same little slimeball I remember from my first year.

He was smirking now but hadn't broken eye contact. I had to snap out of it.

"I had at least hoped." I said back looking down.

"Not a chance princess." He said leaning back into his seat.

I hated being called princess but I guess that's what I get for calling Draco a prince last night.

"Please don't call me that, Draco." I snapped.

At least I said please?

He smirked and Snape began teaching class.

Throughout class I snuck a few glances at Draco. He had really grown up, he was handsome. A cold sort of handsome. And that jawline, ugh.

Aurora stop it. Everyone always assumes we'll end up together. That can't happen.

Class was over and I was waiting outside for Dylan to walk to our next class.

A first year Slytherin ran up to me.

"Is it true?" He asked "Are you really Salazar Slytherin's great great great granddaughter?"

I absolutely hated being asked about  being the heir of Slytherin but he was adorable, and so excited. I couldn't be mean.

"Yes, I am." I replied and forced a smile.

"Wow that's so cool." He said

"You would think so." I said looking over him to find Dylan.

I saw her walking out of the classroom but I didn't realize everyone had heard me talking to the first year.

I heard snickers of "Princess Slytherin" and "See, I told you"

I told the boy goodbye and walked over to Dylan, ignoring the snickers.

"So annoying isn't it?" She asked.

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