Chapter 11-Pinning Sibling Against Sibling

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One Year Later

Sixteen years old, what an age and what a year we had. I remember Harry suddenly becoming cold towards Jordan almost as if it was overnight. Harry hated the way Jordan treated him but he never became so cold towards him until a few weeks ago.

After that one day I spent with Zayn a year ago I did call Harry out on what Zayn said and he didn’t lie to me, he himself didn’t know the entire truth as Zayn would always stay away from him in such times of anger. Still, he lied to me.

Now that Jordan was eleven, he was growing into a man and Zayn and Harry ignored it but I most certainly didn’t. In comparison to our childish chatter, my brother and I were now whisked off by each other to talk of some serious matters.

Now that I was beginning to grow older, I was becoming increasingly close to Harry, closer than before. We were best friends and whenever he could, he would spend his time with me, talking to me and laughing with me.

I’ll admit, I found him unusually charming what with his long curly hair and compelling green eyes, though our time together was usually spoiled by Zayn who now refused to visit only once a week.

Now he stayed with us for four nights and went back to the castle on his fifth day of the week. Jordan hated that, he hated both of them but they didn’t seem to take any notice.

Now Jordan had completely exceeded my height and was even taller than Zayn and Harry, he was growing and fast. I could see that hate twinkle in his eye whenever Harry stole me from my time with him. Jordan continued to train with Zayn, pulling moves I swear could knock even the almighty Zayn out and sometimes it did.

He was becoming increasingly strong which made me both extremely proud and extremely scared. For training purposes, Zayn made Harry and Jordan fight and even Harry found it hard to win.

Now he was literally stronger than almost everyone and even though Harry still beat him, it took a good couple of minutes for him to pin down Jordan.

I on the other hand got really into target shooting, namely with a spear I had carved and created out of wood but none-the-less I enjoyed it and I was actually pretty good at it.

One time Harry stood in front of me, not knowing what was happening and I accidently hit him with my spear and watched, hands over my mouth as it flew through his chest and even came out the other side.

 However what scared me more was the fact that he could pull it right out and still be completely fine afterwards. One time Zayn made me aim towards him and I sighed with relief as he flew out of the way claiming I needed a lot of practice.

The thing I am really scared about though is the fact that today Zayn is making me fight Jordan, me with my spear and Jordan with his sheer strength and battle strategies. Zayn had explained to me during the previous year that his blood could heal any wound and so if Jordan and I hurt each other he could easily heal us, even thought the thought of drinking his blood disgusted me.

However a spear generally does more damage than plain fists and I wondered if Zayn would even consider healing Jordan since he hated Jordan’s attitude almost as much as Jordan hated Zayn’s existence.

I clenched my spear in my hands tightly and Jordan nodded approvingly as he stood a few paces away from me. I breathed in deeply as Harry stood beside me and Zayn stood beside Jordan. They weren’t getting involved in the fight but they kept watch in case things got ugly which was highly unnecessary since Jordan loved me and hated them. I hated the idea of trying to fight Jordan, I knew exactly what would happen.

“Give me your best shot, Lils!” He called out to me in the most competitive tone I had ever heard.

Without any other warning he began running towards me angrily and I planted my feet firmly into the ground. All those nights of running the fence’s border paid off as he was extremely fast for a human.

As he reached me I held me spear out in a defensive way, aiming its tip towards the sky and he grabbed hold of it just as tightly as I was. Suddenly he yanked it out of my grasp and threw it far out of my reach before pushing me down towards the ground and laughing.

Harry knelt down next to me and sighed before looking up at Zayn and then back to me.

“We can stop if you want but I know you can do a LOT better than that. I understand it’s hard because it’s your brother but we need to know if you can hold through yourself.”

I pushed him away, stood up, walked over to my spear and picked it up before swirling around to meet Jordan’s gaze from across the field. Moments later I felt my legs fly towards him, granted it wasn’t as fast as he was but it sure surprised Zayn and Harry.

As I reached Jordan he jumped towards me but I slid on my knees and went right underneath him, surprising all three of them but that didn’t stop Jordan.

As he did before, he grabbed my spear and tried pulling it away but I refuse to let it budge. I smacked the blunt end of it into his stomach which made him take a few steps back, placing his hands on it. I knew better than to fall for that so I simply ran towards him and he did the same to me.

We met in the middle and this time he managed to grab my spear and use it against me but he knew nothing about how to use such long weapons so I easily evaded his attacks which frustrated him slightly. We weren’t trying to hurt each other, neither of us wanted to do this but I guess it was all for the sake of training.

He threw it out of reach once again and now it was just our physical strength where I knew I would lose. He threw a few punches my way and I was able to successfully avoid them but when he began pulling out the big moves and jumping around the place I started to get lost and somehow ended up on the ground face first.

“We’re done.” I heard Jordan say as I slowly made my way off the ground and sat up defeated.

“You can continue going if you want, I can easily heal you if any of you get seriously hur-” Zayn began.

“We’re done.” Jordan repeated.

“You guys may be heartless murderers but I am not and neither is my sister. Let’s not do this again okay, Beast?”

And without another word, Jordan walked over to me and helped me up. He walked me over to the hut and we sat down just outside, leaning our backs against its cold, hard surface.

“Life, hey?” He joked and I laughed softly.

I loved these little chats me and my brother had. It was what I enjoyed most these days, for obvious reasons talking to Jordan was a lot easier and calming than talking to the other two and our conversations flowed much more smoothly.

“How did we get here, Jordan? Why couldn’t things be simpler? We could have attended some cheap little school where we could have learnt how to play the guitar.”

“Or make googly eyes at some random guy or girl who was way out of our range.” He added and we both laughed.

I knew Zayn and Harry were listening but for some reason, I didn’t care because with Jordan I could be my full self without worry of offending him or upsetting him.

“We could have majored in philosophy because there is no way to make a career out of that. We could have had pets with ridiculous names or even learnt how to paint because that’s the life humans are supposed to lead. Also…we could have had…parents…”

I pulled my legs closer into my chest and looked at the ground sadly. I knew what Jordan was saying was true and as much as it hurt us, it would have hurt Zayn more who was still listening.

For some unknown reason, he let vampires and zombies roam freely and to abuse that idea would have torn him up, though he had to know we were unhappy with what we had. Jordan wanted a fully human life and though I loved Harry and Zayn’s company, I wouldn’t have minded that too.

“Let’s not think too much about it, it’s old news anyway.” I tried to sidestep the conversation which Jordan picked up on immediately and changed the subject.

“So what’s happening with that dream of yours? Still can’t see the man who killed mum and dad?”

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