Chapter 7

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In the morning Hope and I went to Hogsmeade to buy the Christmas presents, it was so fun, I buy Spencer a cute necklace and darkness powder, to Draco a nice ring and a amortentia poison, just to annoy him, his ring is silver and has a snake in it, is perfect for him and to Hope a cute dress and a cute pair of hills.

When we arrived from Hogsmeade Spencer and Draco were fighting, the spells fly all over the place, I think the hate from Draco to Spencer is getting bigger day to day, I just shouted to them "STOP, BOTH OF YOU" they look me on shock and Spencer said "tell him, he started" still pointing his wand at him, Draco was looking at me, but I just look at him with disappointed eyes, then I kiss Spencer and hug Draco because I haven't seen them in all the day, Draco was on shock because I forgot to tell him that Spencer and I were dating "so when you going to tell me?" Draco said to me really disappointed and left, I run after him, but he just disappeared, I just sit the floor and started crying, he probably hates me right now, that's when I felt a really cold arms around me and I saw a pair of grey eyes staring at me"I'm sorry, I didn't wanna be rude, I just don't like him, and you know that" he said, I look up and I say to him "I know, but I like him, and he didnt do anything bad to you, or anyone, so why do you hate him?" he look at me and reply "I dont know, he just give me a bad vibe" I didn't want to fight with him so I just put my head on his shoulder and close my eyes, I wasn't crying anymore because I know that Draco doesn't hate me.

When I open my eyes I was on the Slytherin common room with a note on my side,"Izzy, I'm sorry, I was tired and I can't take you to your room because i'm not allowed to go in there, you must ask to yourself why I didn't wake up, it was because you was sleeping so peacefully, love you, D.M" I stand up and went to my room, it was 6 on the morning, so I went to the Astronomy Tower, I was there until I hear someone came in, so I hide. I saw Draco touching his forearm, he was on pain, I can see his face, he was suffering , that's when a box fall behind me and he left almost running, I was confused so I just left to breakfast.


I left Izzy on the couch in the common room and went to the Malfoy Manor to a "meeting" with the Dark Lord, I was 10 minutes late, so I just came in and saw like 20 other death eaters counting with Professor Snape, so I just sit with my mother, my dad was sitting in front of us, I was really scared so my mom put her hand on mine, with her I feel safer, the Dark Lord told us her plan and why did he need me to kill Dumbledore and fix the vanishing cabinet, then I left the Manor and I make my way to Hogwarts, when I arrive was almost 7:00, and at 7:30 was breakfast so it was useless to sleep, I make my way to the Astronomy tower, my Dark Mark burns and hurts, LIKE HELL, that's when I heard someone, because a box fall, I left as fast as I can and I went to the The Great Hall.

I enter The Great Hall and I saw Hope and the asshole of Spencer, but, where is Izzy? "Hi Hope, where is Izzy?" I said and Spencer look at me with a jealous look, so I just say to him with a sarcastic voice "oh, hi you too" and that's when Hope said "I don't know, she didn't came last night so I just supposed that she was with you Spencer" I looked to Spencer but he just said "she wasn't with me or I would know " and he winked at me but I just ignored him, WHAT AN ASSHOLE, that's when Izzy came in "Izzy where were you, we were concerned" Hope said, we all looked at Izzy but she just say "guys im fine, im here, so lets eat" whats wrong with her?? " Izzy where were you last night? are you cheating on me?" Spencer said and I rolled my eyes "I woke up in the couch in the common room and decided to go for a walk because it was 6:30 on the morning" she said and started eating.


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