Chapter 21

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After that Spencer and Emily left we stay with Izz in my room for and hour "Isobel, Draco come down we need to talk to you" he heard my mother said, we stand up of my bed and start walking to the living room were my mom was calling us, when we arrived to the Living room I saw that Spencer, Emily, my mom and Olivia (Spencer's mom) were there "hey, what happened?" I said, they looked at eachother, Izzy was with the same confused face that I was "well, Emily and Spencer are staying here for a couple of days, so will sleep with Isobel and Spencer with Emily" mother said "all the couples together" Olivia said, she sounded excited, we made our way to our rooms because we have to move Izzy's things and bring Spencer's and Emily's suitcases.

After 2 hours we were all move Izzy's things were on my room and Spencer's and Emily's things were on the guest room "So.. when is going to come, You Know Who?" Izz ask me " In 2 more days, I need to prepare you, tomorrow I will teach you something that will be useful for you, we need him to like you, but now lets sleep it's late and i'm tired" I said, then I kiss her and we cuddled until we fell asleep.

Dream:                                                                                                                                                                                    I was in my house, the Malfoy Manor, all my myself, Izzy wasn't here, mother wasn't here, father wasn't here, Spencer wasn't here, neither was Emily or Olivia, were was everyone, I was walking  in the house when I heard a scream on the room were we do the meetings with The Dark Lord, when I arrive there all the seats were occupied by Death Eaters, including of Spencer, Emily, Olivia, mother and father and Izzy, but she was the only one crying "hey Izz, what happened, why are you crying, it's everythin ok?" I whispered on her ear "you died Draco, you left me alone" she said "but Izz i'm here, with you" I said, what is going on, I run where my mother was "mom, what's wrong" I asked her "Draco, my little boy, you died, they killed you, and you left Isobel with your son" she said, wait, Izz was pregnant? I died? but who killed me?

I woke up with tears all over my cheeks "are you ok?" Izz asked me "yes, just a nightmare" I said "it's ok, I'm here for you and always will be, what was the nightmare about?" she asked "it doesn't matter, lets sleep is 3:00 a.m" I said, she hugged me, I just kiss her on the forehead and we fell asleep, I woke up with a really loud scream, the first thing that I did was check if Izz was with me and if she was ok, but she was  confused like me, I stand up of the bed and I put on my slippers "you are like a old man, wearing slippers, really?" Izz tell me "why not, they are comfortable" I said "is fine, I was just joking" she said, we open the door of my room and I see a firework pass in front of my eyes and almost hit me "what it's going on" I shouted "we have this big ass house just for us, our mothers went to do some stuff" Spencer said "you are like a child" I said then a elf house come and said "Master the breakfast is ready" then he left, and we went down to eat "hey i'm Isobel but you can call me Izzy"I heard Izzy said to Emily while walking down the stairs "hi, i'm Emily, please call me Em" Emily said and we went to have breakfast.

3 hours later...

"I think that you are ready to meet him" I said "let's practice one more time" Izz said "so, what are your intentions with this boy?" I said with a really weird tone trying to be The Dark Lord " we are thinking about it, but I would love marry this boy that now is standing right next to me" she said "omg that's perfect" I said then I run were she was and I hugged her "you are ready" I said then we make our way to the garden for a walk "the little love birds are going to take a romantic walk?" we heard Spencer said "what do you care, you have your own girlfriend now, Emily please be careful that he doesn't cheat on you, because if you don't do what he wants he gets bored of you and he will go to get other girl like he did with me" Izz said really mad, then she whispered me "I love you, Draky" (yes she call me draky sometimes) then she kiss me on the cheek "I love you too, Izz" I said, I hold her hand then we left to walk on the garden.

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