Chapter 22

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We return of our walk and we see that Emily was crying, I look at Draco and he look at me "you should go, i'm intimidating don't you remember?" he said and we both laugh "yes" I said and then I start walking to Em's direction "I will be on my room, if you need me" Draco said, then he left "what happened Em, why are you crying?" I ask "I just can't handle this, Spencer is a good guy but sometimes i'm scared of him, the devil on his eyes is sometimes too much, also I haven't seen my dad in almost 4 months and I can assure you that tomorrow he will arrive as if he had never left, my mom seems that she doesn't care about at all,  if I ask her about dad she will ignore me or just change the subject, this is too much for me, I just wish that this never happened" she said "Em you can't give up, you need to fight this, you need to talk to your dad and tell him that you miss him and ask him were he was because you care about him, also tell him that the next time that he left he need has to send you letters at least one time every week" I said "yes, you are right" she said and I hug her "now let's go inside, Spencer must be looking for you and don't worry I will talk to him and make him know that you aren't a object and he cant treat you that way" I said and we make our way to the manor "hey I was looking for you, where were you?" Spencer asked Em "I was talking to Izz" Em said "hey, I need to talk to you for a minute" I said to Spencer "sure" he said and we went outside to talk "I was watching how you treat Em and I think that you are rude almost all the time and you treat her like if she was an object that you have in possession, but women aren't object we are people with feelings and insecurities, the next time that I see you being rude or making her do something that she didn't want I will hex you, and you know that I could and I have a lot of reasons, so don't make me do it" I said trying to make a intimidating tone, and it think that it work because he was scared "ok, ok"  he said "now go and apologise" I said, he left almost running, I saw that he hugged Em and then they started talking.

 I was walking to Draco's room when i heard someone behind me "hi, Isobel" I turn around to see who it was, it was Draco's mom, Narcissa "hi Mrs. Malfoy" I said "please call me Cissy, how are you?" she asked me "good, a little bit nervous for tomorrow, but above all  fine" I said " it will be ok, you a really good lady I can tell that he will like you" Cissy said "Thanks you, now if I can, I would like to go to sleep I'm really tired, besides tomorrow will be a really long day so I would like to have all the energy that I could"i said "its ok, I totally understand you, see you tomorrow, sleep good" Cissy tell me "thank you, you too" I said and I start walking to Draco's room.

I arrive and I knock the door "Draco, can I come in?" I said no one answered "Draco, I'm coming in" I said and then I open the door, no one was there so I sit in the bed waiting if Draco was coming or not, that's when I saw Draco opening the bathroom door and coming out, just with the towel around his waist "hey" I said, he turn around and see me, his face was really funny, his cheeks was all the tones of red that exists "h-ey" he said, I was hypnotized seeing his body" i'm going to put some clothes on" he said and he left really fast, after 5 minutes he come back, I was in the bed sleeping so he cuddled me and he feel asleep.

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