Chapter 16

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It was 11:00 of the night and I decided to make my way to the Astronomy Tower because that was "our place", I decided to bring the darkness powder, just in case, when i was in the hall walking I saw Filch so I threw the darkness powder and I hid in the nearest room.

After 5 minutes of waiting that Mr Filch was gone, I make again my way to the Astronomy Tower, when I arrive I see that Draco was lying on the floor so I make sure that he wasn't dead and then I lay down next to him, he turn his body to the direction I was and I did the same thing with him"you know that you are beautiful right?" he said, I turn my body away and I blushed "thank you" I said to him and I kiss him on the cheek, then his checks were all the tones of red that could exist "is the Slytherin prince blushing?" I said to him in a funny tone, he move his face towards me and his lips met mine, the kiss was the best that I ever had, it was so soft "you see, I know that you are dying for me" he said and then he laugh, after half an hour of cuddling I decided to ask him "why you didn't tell me before"he look at me "tell you what?" He asked "tell me that you have feelings for me" I said to him "because I didn't think that you would like me back, you dated Spencer and you seem very happy with him" he said "but when I was with Spencer you were with Pansy, why" I said, at this point I was really confused "because I was jealous of the way that you looked at Spencer, I wanted that you looked me the way that you look at him, but you didn't have eyes for me at that moment, so I was with Pansy, but it make my feelings worse" he said, then he looked at me "I have feelings for you since the day I met you, at the Hogwarts Express, but then I thought that if I was mean to you, the feelings might go away, but they didn't, they got worst" he said, then he look at his clock, and said " Im sorry Izzy is late I have to go somewhere, after I go, I need to ask you something" I looked at him "what?" I said "would you be my girlfriend?" OMG, OMG, OMG "YESSS" I shouted, then he kiss me and he left. 

I decided to make my way to the Slytherin common room, I need to tell Hope what just happened, and that im not single anymore, I was running in the hallway and I fell, I looked at my knee and I saw blood, but almost nothing, it was very dark,  the adrenaline was rushing all over my body so I just stand up and continue running, when I arrived to the Slytherin common room I saw my knee, it was really deep, I make my way to our room and I woke up Hope "HOPE, HOPE,I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING REALLY IMPORTANT, WAKE UP" I shouted "SHHHHH" I heard, all our roommates where really mad at me "Whats wrong with you now" Hope said "lets go to the common room I have to tell you something" I pull her hand, I take her out of her bed, and we make our way to the Common room, when we arrived I sit in the couch "OMG IZZY WHAT HAPPENED ON YOUR KNEE, THIS IS DEEP,YOU NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL WING" Hope shouted "Its ok, if I go to the Hospital wing right now I probably recibe detention for being out of my room at 2:30 a.m, anyway I need to tell you something really important" I said and Hope looked at me with a scared face "what happened" she ask me, that's when Spencer arrived and said "what us the important thing, I want to know" WHO THE HELL HE THINK HE IS "none of your business Spencer, now leave" I said, I was mad, really mad, he move his head forwards to kiss me "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU SPENCER!!" And I push him away "I know that you miss me Izzy, I know that im too good looking, you cant simply forgot me, im the best looking in Hogwarts" he said I looked at Hope face and he was really mad and in shock, then Draco arrived, he heard the whole conversation "hello babe, I missed you" he said me and he kiss me, ON THE LIPS!!, I know that it was to make Spencer jealous so I decided to keep going "Hi babe, I missed you" I said, then I saw Hope and Spencer's faces, they were on shock "Did I interrupted something" Draco said  "nothing, nothing" Spencer said, then he leave "OMG, YEEESSS, WHEN DID THIS HAPPENED!?"Hope shouted, she was exited "mmm, like minutes ago" Draco and I said at the same time "yess, I been waiting for this time the whole year" Hope said "what happened on your knee" Draco said, I looked at my leg, it was all covered on blood "I fall, its not a big deal" I said, the I heard "Bandaging Charm" Draco was fixing it, after 5 seconds my knee was covered with bandages "thank you" I said then I kiss him, the we make our ways to our rooms to sleep, I was almost asleep and i heard Hope tell me "Izzy, tomorrow I also have to tell you something, is really important" is was to asleep to process the information to I just said "ok" and I fell asleep.

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