Chapter 11

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I woke up and the first thing that I saw was a beautiful pair of eyes looking at me "How long have you been staring at me" I said at him, he just smiled at me and said "long enough to notice that you talk on your sleep" I blushed "why did you wanted to know that, that's so embarrassing" I said to him "why not!?" He said, I stand up of the bed and said to him"thanks for letting me sleep in your bed" And he reply "no problem, when ever you want" and then I leave the room.

When I arrived to my room and I saw Hope standing there, I run to her and hug her really tight "I missed you so much, and we have to tell you so much things" she smiled and said to me "I miss you too, close your eyes I have something for you" I closed my eyes and i hear that she open his backpack and said "open them" when I open my eyes I saw a beautiful green top with a flower in it "omg Hope, is beautiful, I love it" she smiled and she said " it's my Christmas present!" I just was really exited and said to her " I have a present for you too" and I give the dress and the pair of hills to her, she saw it and scream "OMG, IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING, I LOVE IT" after 1 hour of talking we decided to go to have breakfast and I grabbed Draco's present.

When we arrived to The Great Hall I walked directly where Draco was and I said to him "Hi, I have something for you, close your eyes" he closed his eyes and I put the ring and the amortentia in the table "open them" he opened his eyes and saw my gift "It's my Christmas gift" he hugged me and said "omg, I love it, thanks you" and he hugged me again, I saw Spencer, he was really jealous, I can't contain and I laugh, Draco put on the ring "it's perfect, oh I also have a gift, for both" and he passed us our gifts, mine was a beautiful pair of earrings, they where green and they have a snake, and for Hope was a really expensive sketchbook and pencils, Hope was really good at drawing so this gift was perfect for her "OMG DRACO THIS IS AMAZING, THANK YOU SO MUCH" Hope said and I reply after her " thanks Draco this is absolutely beautiful" he smiled and we started eating.

When we finished eating, Hope and I went to our room to get ready to Divination, when we arrived to our room I saw a little package on my bed and above it had a note.

"I'm sorry for all I did to you, this was my Christmas present, hope you like it, S.G"

This is weird, why Spencer wanted to give me his present, I just opened the little box and I saw a Amortentia potion, Hope looked at me and she said "Smell it!!" I open the bottle and smell it "smells like green apples, hair gel and ...." I said to Hope and she just answered "and??!" She said really exited "and peppermint"

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