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She turned the shower off and dried his hair the best she could.

"Its finished, go look in the mirror." She said to him

He laughed as he played with his hair.

"Let's just say that I'm happy that I'm gonna shave my head soon."

"Well i think you look marvelous. Like a fluffy pink cloud." I said to him with a smile.

Alice and i both laughed at my comment while river sent me and angry look.

"It's your turn. Let's see what you'll look like with pink hair." He said to me.

I stopped laughing, it really was my turn. I couldn't think of any excuse to talk myself out if it.

"Sit down, I'll brush your hair first." Alice said to me.

I listened to her and sat down.

"You kinda have the perfect hair for it because it is light enough to dye without bleaching it." She said as she brushed through my hair.

"Good to know." I mumbled as i thought about all the things my mom would say.

Alice repeated the same process as with River but this time wihout using bleach.

"You're all done." She said with an smile as she unwrapped my towel.

I stared at myself in the mirror, i looked so different. The pink was 10 times brighter then i thought it would be. My mom was definitely going to kill my.

"What's wrong? Don't you like it?" Alice aksed concerned when i gave no reaction.

I shook my head and smiled at her. "I absolutely love it, thank you."

She smiled relieved back

There was a knock at the door, it was Calum with Michael.

"I told you thatcthey would be here." Michael said to Calum as they both walked into the room.

Calum smiled when he saw us.

"How cute, they're all matching." Michael said with a big smile.

"It definitely looks really good on all of you." Calum said with a smile.

"It's time for you to take your medicine and go to bed." He said to me.

I sighed and stood up. "Already?"

He ignored my complaint which was a smart move.

I said goodbye to the rest before i walked to my own room with Calum.

"Do you think my mom is going to be mad at me?" I asked him as sat down on my bed.

"I don't think so. She may not like it but I don't think that she's going to be mad."

I nodded as stared into the distance.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

"Do you know why Alice is here?"

"You know that I can't answer that question."

I sighed and layed down. "Alice was about to tell me but then some stupid doctor interrupted."

He smiled as he tucked me in. "Goodnight, Kate."

I mumbled an goodbye back. I was scared of what tomorrow was going to bring.

I woke up by Calum entering my room. "Goodmoring, how did you sleep?"

I yawned as i stretched. "No nightmares."

"That's good to hear." He said with smile.

"Is my mom visiting today?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure. Did she tell you that she would?"

I  nodded. "Yeah but i kinda hope that she's going to forget it."

"Why do her want to forget?"

"So that she doesn't see my hair."

He smiled as he sat down on the edge of my bed. "You shouldn't worry to much about that."

"Here take this." He said as he handed me my medicine.

I hesitated to take them. It all seemed so pointless, how where two little pills going to cure me?"

I quickly took the pills before Calum could question my hestitation.

Not even two minutes later there was a knock at the door. Calum stood up as he gave the person permission to enter.

My mom entered my room with a big smile but that soon faded when she saw me.

"Kate what have you done with your hair?!"

"Alice dyed it for me. Don't you like it?" I said as casual as possible.

She took a moment to recollect herself.

"It's not that bad. I'm just kinda shocked that you would do something like that without telling me."

"You really mean that?" I asked her.

She nodded as she racked through my hair. "You wanted a change and this definitely is one."

She didn't say that liked it but she also didn't say that she hated it.

"Do you want to go with me today?" She asked.

I gave her an confused look, could i do that?

Calum saw my confusion. "Patient's who aren't in a critical situation are allowed to leave the hospital for a short period of time. But only when their doctors and guardians have given them permission." He explained.

I didn't have to twice about that offer. "Of course i wanna go home." I said to my mom.

"That's great. Quickly get dressed so that we can leave." She answered.

They both left the room to give me some privacy. I changed into some clean sweatpants and a hoodie.

Not even a minute later i swang the door open. "I'm ready."

"Let's go then." My mom said as she stood up from her chair.

"Have fun." Calum said as i walked past him.

"I told you thought she wouldn't be mad." He whispered after that.

I smiled at him and ran to my mom. The only reason that i was so excited to go home was that i could see my dad and bring new stuff back to the hospital.

"You seem happy to go home." My mom said to me as we drove away from the hospital.

"I am."

She didn't need to know the reason why i was this happy.

I opened the car window and stuck my head out of it. The fresh breeze in my face felt like the best thing I've experienced these last few weeks.

The carride was silent because my mother knew that i was only going to give short answers.

"I have to get some things but you can stay here with your dad." She said as she parked the car infront of our house.


I didn't mind that all. I didn't even want her here.

I ringed the doorbell and waited for my dad to open which took him longer than expected.

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