A new Friend!

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A week passed away in a blink!! Days were moving faster than they wished. Mia and her friends got a new friend named Eric.

He was a very sweet guy, and an active person. Jane and Elena was highly fond of him. Things between them were too friendly and genuine.

On the other hand, Adam and Alec were not on good terms with him. Whereas Mia, an introvert, found it hard to open up to him.

She was happy for his presence but she still maintained an invisible wall between them. Jane seemed pretty fond of him, than Elena.

But Mia lacked that liking towards him. Eric very well understood about Mia in the past week. So many girls fall at his feet and never gave a break in chasing him.

He usually had them behind him giggling and whispering and walked along with him to all his classes. But he has never been rude to any of them.

The best part about Eric was that he never tried to flirt with any of the girls who liked him. He had a friendly attitude and charming smile that girls dream their boyfriend would have.

Eric spend two of his lunch time with Mia and her friends in the past week. Adam's showed a long face throughout the lunch period.

And Alec would never come in the direction of Eric's. People have already guessed that they weren't fond of each of other.

Eric and Alec were the guys that girls flock to day after day, and they can never say no to these charming, hottest  boys of their school.

Eric's semi nerdy looks was the feature that draw girls in.
It was very well clear that Adam was highly possessive towards Jane, who recently started admiring Eric.

Adam never liked the thought of inviting him along with them. Adam thought that with having Eric around, he couldn't get to spend proper time with Jane. 

Earlier, when they four met at their usual spot before leaving home, there was a discussion about weekend plans which was about inviting Eric to their favorite cafe.

Adam said that he won't be joining them. He denied the fact that he hated Eric's presence and he lied that he was busy for the weekend.

But when Jane asked him what it was, Adam said it aloud, "I hate it when... My friends change because they meet new people. I'm not blaming you people. Go Ahead and have fun with your new friend, Eric". Adam left after saying it.

The girls were confused about his behavior. He has never acted odd like this so far. They had never seen him being possessive towards the girls.

(But we all fail to understand that without possessiveness they won't be best friends and being possessive is not bad in friendship.....)

These girls failed to understand that boys get jealous and possessive too.

Jane and Elena talked only about Eric both in his presence and absence. It can't be denied, it's human nature to love new things.

Jane and Elena were like, "there is always room in the heart for one more friend".

Eric spent all his time in knowing new people. He will never stick to a single person, he spends time with everyone in the school.

People were happy to have him around, he carried a positive vibe with him, which made him the favorite person to everyone he meets.

Though, Eric could get know so many people from school, he couldn't have a proper conversation with Mia.

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