12 - Dating

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They arranged to meet since Bella worked downtown. She wore a suit he recognized as expensive. He felt underdressed in a button down.

"You look fine." She placed her hand on his arm as if to reassure him.

"I thought we could have dinner and get to know each other."

He smiled. "I thought you were showing me around."

She waved her hand. "Plenty of time for that. I'm more interested in you. You're an enigma."

"Really." He smiled. "Tell me why."

It felt good to flirt, although he would have to tread lightly. Whatever happened between them would to get back to his parents.

She didn't comment when he ushered her to his car. She directed him to the restaurant. He saw the word oyster on sign and smiled, remembering how only Katie tried them.

"Everyone loves it here. Do you eat oysters?" He nodded, and she touched his arm. "Oh good, me too."

She had made a reservation. He didn't know if it was a good thing she planned the evening. After the oyster comment, he wondered what else she planned.

The young waiter came right over. He drank beer with his friends, but he grew up drinking wine - stolen from the adults.

She surprised him. "Should we get a bottle?"

He agreed. He had never had a real dinner date. He and Tori were too young and his dates after were happy at the Barracks before ending up in his bed.

"So you were telling me I'm an enigma."

"You come from a prominent Boston law family. Your father is a reputable federal judge and your sister-in-law is at one of the best firms in the city."

And a bitch. "My brother is a divorce attorney though."

"He practices family law. It isn't all divorces, but he has an excellent reputation too."

Too bad he hadn't gotten a divorce for himself.

"And my job probably pays the same as my mother pays her housekeeper."

"But you went to West Point and you wear a uniform."

He laughed. "But I don't own a suit, because I haven't needed one in seven years." He immediately wished he could take back his words.

"You need a suit when you go home for Christmas."

"I typically work through Christmas." It was true.

"Other visits." He shook his head. "You aren't antisocial."

He laughed, only with his own family. "So how long have been out of Harvard?"

"I graduated last spring. I work a lot."

"Did your father force you to go into law?"

She laughed. "Force me. No, it's all I ever wanted to do."

"Not me. I was never interested."

"Now you do what?"

"Computers. I solve puzzles."

"What else do you do?" She took a sip of her wine and licked her lips. She outlined them to make them look full, and he wouldn't be opposed to kissing them. Hanging around with Ricky and Lucy, he could use some companionship of his own.

They had ordered a dozen oysters and entrees. He steered the conversation her way, and she was happy to talk about herself.

He discovered she lived in an apartment close to her office. He suspected the BMW in front of the house was hers. She parked like a guest rather than by the garage.

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