29 - Welcome home

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Katie was waiting for him, smiling when he arrived back at base. She held a sign with Welcome Home written in colorful letters. He could see her tears. She was probably crying, because he had come home and Paco never would. She looked beautiful, and he missed her so damn much. Gathering her in his arms, he held her.

"I missed you." His voice cracked as he too had tears. She smelled like home and his heart raced.

She didn't pull away, but held him tight like she couldn't let go. "Me too. More than you know."

She pulled back and looked at his face. He needed a shave, and she put her hand on his cheek. He kissed her forehead, but really wanted to kiss every other part of her, starting with her lips.

"I..." He froze. "I want to hear about everything you wouldn't tell me while I was gone."

She frowned and nodded. "At home. I have a special dinner planned."

She looked healthy with tanned, and still too skinny, but not like in the months after Paco.

"Did you get your haircut? It looks beautiful."

She rewarded his compliment with a gorgeous smile. Her smile was meant for him and he felt it deep in his heart.

The bungalow felt like home. He would always love this little house, because it was where Katie healed. It was here she found her smile and her laugh.

Looking around, he noticed a few changes. There was a new knitted blanket on the sofa. "You finished." It was blue-green, and he ran his hand on it. "It's soft."

"It's the color of the ocean. I've been knitting a lot. It's therapeutic. Are you hungry?"

He nodded. "I'm hungry and tired, but I really need a run." He needed to settle his emotions. Seeing and holding her had sent his desire into overdrive.

"Go. Food will be ready when you come back."

"Okay. Thanks, Luce. It's so good to be home with you. I missed you."

"I know. I missed you too. I'm really glad you're home."

He changed out of his dirty, sweaty uniform. He had been traveling for hours, although not nearly as long as when he returned to Georgia from Korea. He needed to move his muscles and organize his thoughts.

After counting years and months, he was weeks away from the end of his commitment. Reaching this milestone without Paco was bittersweet. He was free to plan his future when his friend couldn't. Now Tom wanted the future that had been meant for Paco.

He ran fast and hard on his regular route. It was too early to call his brother and too late to call his mother. He had sent both a text when he landed. Once home, Katie frowned at him after he lifted his shirt off and wiped the sweat off his face.

"I know I'm hitting the shower. Don't worry."

"I wasn't worried." She called back at him.

When he came out of the shower, the table was ready. It smelled delicious, and he recognized the meal she prepared.

"Roast chicken. Just like the meal you made me years ago. Thank you."

"I hardly cooked without you."

They sat and ate the familiar meal. Tom was certain it tasted even better. When he told her, she blushed and his heart rate increased. He breathed deeply and listen to her talk about the little things he missed.

"I know you must have been lonely."

She nodded. "Laurie did her best to prevent it. I'm going to miss her."

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