Bonus Chapter 1: Christmas at the Reilly's

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Brenna turned to Noah, who was in the passenger seat. "Are you tired?"

"It's fine. I've survived on less sleep. You didn't tell me how your night was."

"Long. Your daughter is a night owl."

"She slept through her first Christmas morning."

Scarlett was just shy of six weeks old and thought nothing of keeping her mother up half the night.

"Sorry, Bren. Why did I think working Christmas eve night was a good idea?"

"Because it's better than Christmas Day. At least we had the Gentry-Prescott Christmas yesterday, but Dec's schedule is going to be messed up too."

"Whose idea was it to have two kids in two years?"

Brenna laughed. "Yours. Remember, you already felt ancient."

"I know I feel guilty for leaving you."

"The good thing is, other than feeding Scarlett, we can ignore our kids all day."

"Ah yes, the baby whisperer, but there is Daniel, too."

"Between my mother, Mia, and Ted, we're all covered. Rachel too, and Aidan doesn't let go of Daniel. My little brother is so cute as a Daddy."

"Maybe we can sneak upstairs for a nap."

"Just a nap, I haven't had my follow up yet."

"You're fine. Some rules are meant to be broken."

"What kind of doctor are you, Brown?"

"One who is very horny and misses his wife."

Brenna laughed and Scarlett started squawking. Declan joined in.

Noah tried to sooth him from the front seat. Without success, Brenna sighed and resorted to desperate measures. Even Noah joined in at his spot. "Daddy shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo..." Dec sang the doos.

On the Grampa shark verse, Noah turned to Brenna. "Who will be the first to sing Grampa shark, Dr. Brian Reilly, Bill Prescott, or Bill Petersen?"

Brenna laughed. The correct answer should be Patrick Gentry, based on everything she heard about Noah's late father.

Still laughing, she said, "Bill Prescott only because Dec is older than Daniel. Could you imagine Ed Calhoun?"

"No way."

When Brenna turned into the drive of her family home, Scarlett was whimpering, but she wasn't due to eat and Ted's truck wasn't there.

She went for the baby, while Noah unbuckled Declan.

Noah whistled. "Whoa, he stinks."

"She pooped too. Can we pawn them both off?"

Noah smiled. "I'll take Scarlett."

"You're the doctor. You're used to poop and vomit."

"There's only one puker for me. Luckiest night of my life."

Brenna laughed. "Really! You're going with that."

Maggie Reilly appeared, dressed in a green dress and apron. She could play the role of a nineteen-fifties housewife.

"There are my grandbabies."

Noah put Declan down. "Run to Grandma." Then he turned and winked at Brenna. "I'll unload the car."

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