14 - Too long

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Dating Bella was not like Ricky and Lucy. He was in lust but not love. True to his word, he never stayed over, but he bought a new suit. He couldn't afford her and had to use money from his trust fund to pay off his credit cards. He was dating a socialite, and it felt like part of the old Tommy was coming back. Occasionally Paco or Katie noticed and teased him.

Katie wanted to meet Bella, but he put her off. He wanted to keep his two worlds separated. The Cuban American from Miami and the army brat whose father owned a bar were not the company Bella kept. She wouldn't notice Paco was a genius who had recently been promoted to captain and was being assigned to more difficult projects. Some were so secret he didn't even discuss them with Tom. Tom was happy to continue doing the same work, which challenged him for the time he owed and possibly longer.

He had brought Chinese food to Bella's, and they were eating with chopsticks and talking. She liked to talk, and he listened. Her work often stressed her, and he let her unwind by talking about it. He quickly learned he didn't have to offer advice he didn't have, because she wasn't looking for him to solve her problems. That was fine by him, and he didn't feel guilty if he tuned her out.

"Tom, Tom!"

"Huh?" He looked up from his lo mein.

"You weren't listening."

Occasionally she noticed. "Sorry, I'm tired."

"I was telling you there's a benefit for the symphony and I was hoping you would attend with me. My parents will be there. You can handle black tie, right?"

Would anyone notice if he wore a rented tux? He found himself agreeing. Secretly, he was challenging himself to see if he liked those events. When he had dressed for parties, he always had his best friend as his date. Bella had achieved the date title, but he missed the easiness of dating a true friend.

It was not unusual for his mother to call him on Saturday mornings when his father was golfing or working. "Sweetheart, your father and I have accepted an invitation from the Watsons. We're coming to Augusta."

"You are?" This information surprised him. They had never offered to come visit him before. "Both of you?"

"Of course. Your father loves you."

Tom mumbled under his breath. "He loves perfect Trey and his wife more."

"Thomas, no one is perfect." Her voice was kind, but he hadn't been Thomas in close to ten years. It was nice to know his mother's hearing was as sharp as ever. "We're looking forward to meeting Bella."

"Mom, we're just dating. She's not..." He wanted to say she wasn't like Tori.

"Apparently, we'll be attending a benefit with you."

Bella had just mentioned it. Had she already made the arrangements? Although Bella agreed to casual, he deducted it wasn't what she wanted.

He groaned. "I need to rent a tux."

"Daring, I'll pay for you to buy one. When you come home, you'll need it."

Even if he never moved home, he couldn't visit for the holidays without a tuxedo. There were too many events and most were formal. He felt the rope towing him back to the life he walked away from.

He Skyped Jon to tell him about their parents' visit. "They mentioned a trip to see me too. Maybe the old judge is trying."

"What about Trey?"

"I reached out to Sage. I didn't tell her what happened, but I asked about the perfect couple."

"How did you reach Sage?"

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