25 - A medal

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A warm breeze blew on shore as the sun warmed Tom's skin. The sand felt soft under the blanket they shared.

When Katie looked at him, her beautiful, pink lips pointed down. "Why don't you know if she's happy?"

He matched her frowned. "Because I don't ask and no one tells me."

He was lying next to Katie, trying to think of anything but her perfect body in her bikini. He didn't want to think about Tori, the girl whose bikini he used to peel off.

"You would like Bea's daughter, Sage. She's like a sister or cousin. The Petersen's only had one child, so she was close to all of us."

"Petersen reminds me of the name on all those shipping containers by the port." Only Katie would notice the name. She was so astute. He hid his smile and looked at their joined hands.

"It's the same, isn't it? How rich are your neighbors?"

How did she know? It was like she could read his mind. The thought scared him, because it was often filled with how much he loved her and things he wanted to do with her. Usually he sweated out his pent up frustration from sharing her bed, but after a day on the beach, he'd take care of himself in the shower. His fantasy always started with her telling him she loved him..

Unable to lie, he confirmed her suspicions. "Very wealthy."

"What about Tori's family?"

He nodded. "Calhoun Construction. Have you noticed that name?"

Her mouth dropped open, and she sat up. "And your father is a judge? How is it you live next to those millionaires or billionaires? Whatever they are!"

He laughed and suspected the B was correct. "My family has old money, generations of it."

"Don't tell me you have a secret stash of money!"

Two. The Hayes trust and his Quinn fund, from his mother's family. "Luce, look at me! You know me. You can practically read my mind. I'm me and who my family is doesn't change anything."

"No wonder you own a tux."

"That I'll never wear again, unless I go back to visit. I'll buy you a beautiful gown and we can dance in Bea's ballroom."

"Ballroom! I think you should dance with Tori. You belong together."

"I disagree. I've changed. I haven't lived their life since I was still a kid. I had a taste of it in Augusta."

"With Bella." She saturated her voice with dislike.

"I was bored. I like eating wings and hanging out with you better."

Her phone distracted her. "How about hanging out with Laurie and Dean? She's inviting us to dinner."

He had planned to take her out to eat but would have dinner with their neighbors. It was probably wiser, because every time he took her to a nice restaurant, it felt too much like a date. Being a married couple was safer than being on a date. Could his situation be anymore screwed up?

He smiled. "Okay, but we'll have to shop if we plan to bring something."

Katie nodded and replied to Laurie via text. Being with Laurie and Dean was like having in-laws. Laurie had taken Katie under her wing, and he owed her for helping to bring back her smile and laugh. Maybe someday she would convince Katie, it was okay to love again. Could she love him or was he forever in the friend zone?

"Luce, let's get some lunch and enjoy another hour before we need to go clean up."

Could he last another hour before his shower?

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