31 - Aloha

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Their last weeks in Hawaii flew by. They spent much of their spare time packing boxes and making love. Tom was perpetually happy and teased at work.

"I'm finishing my five years and looking forward to civilian life." In truth, he was in love and the rest was no longer important.

He ran on his last work day in Hawaii. Like always, he stopped and waited for his brother's face.

"Tom, you look so damn happy!"

"I am. I'm going to miss paradise. This island healed Katie."

"I think you healed her."

"I'm just glad she's happy and loves me. How's Alana?"

Jon smiled and Tom laughed. "Are you going to tell Mom you're married?"

"I want to tell her in person. Plus, I don't want Tori hearing it through the grapevine."

"Hell, this is your secret. You kept mine from everyone, including Katie. I'll keep yours."

He stepped into the house. His heart skipped a beat. Katie was sitting with her tea. She put her hair up in the haphazard bun she liked. She smiled at him as she called out to his brother.

"Let me see you two together!"

Katie giggled and stood to stand next to him. He bent over so both their faces were on the screen.

"She looks as happy as you do."

"I'm happy!" Katie's words sent a warm wave through him and left him hard.

"I kept trying to tell you he loved you."

"You didn't!"

"Well, I dropped hints, but it doesn't matter because you kids figured it out on your own."

"I have to get to work. I might not have time to talk until we're back in Augusta."

"Okay. Bye, kids."

Katie followed him into the bedroom where he was undressing. "We're not kids."

He smiled. "I'll always be his kid brother."

He showered and dressed in his uniform and kissed his wife goodbye. As he left Laurie was in her yard and waved. He smiled because she would be at his door the minute he drove away. Katie would miss her.

Saying goodbye to Laurie proved difficult. She drove them to the airport and walked in with them to say goodbye before the security checkpoint.

"Dean has a few more years until retirement, maybe we'll get transferred. You can come back to visit, but not until you have a baby." Katie giggled. "Oh my God, she's not arguing with me! Are you?"

Tom felt excitement pulse through him when Katie shrugged. "I wouldn't know. Tom just came back."

"I expect a phone call the minute you know. I'm gonna miss you."

Katie laughed. "You'll be showing the new wife around in a few days."

Laurie shook her head. "You'll always be special. You know why?"

Tom saw the look on Katie's face. He grabbed her hand, hoping to stop her tears. Katie hugged Laurie. "You helped me more than you'll ever know."

Tom owed their friend for the care she gave to Katie. "Thanks." He hugged her too.

When he let her go. She dramatically fanned her face. They laughed. "I'll miss your morning runs." She winked.

Katie slapped his arm. "I told you."

Their belongings had been picked up and were probably being shipped by Petersen. They would stay at a hotel until their furniture arrived in Georgia.

With a final wave, they joined the security line. He traveled wearing his uniform, because it afforded him extra perks. It also attracted attention. Many strangers thanked him for his service. He always wanted to downplay his role, especially since losing Paco.

Once seated at their gate, he put his arm around Katie.

"Luce, you okay?"

"Yeah, I wish we were staying longer. I feel like this bubble will burst."

"I will love you anywhere we are. You are my family."

He'd been running for years and finally found where he belonged. He thought he lost another family when they lost Paco, but she was always there. Together they would create their own family.

"I love you." Her words filled his heart. He often feared it would explode.

A long flight to LAX and the red-eye to Atlanta before a short hop to Augusta, they were exhausted. They reached their hotel and crashed. For the first time, neither thought about sex.

When they woke it was late afternoon. Katie wanted to go see her father.

He smiled at her. "Wings?"

She frowned slightly, but nodded. She no longer had to avoid every memory of Paco. When they walked in Murph hustled around the bar and hugged his daughter.

The older man looked good. He looked thinner. Katie pulled away from the hug, sniffing him.

"Dad, you don't smell like stale cigarettes."

"I quit. That fruity crap too."

"Really!" She smiled. "You lost weight." Her eyes narrowed. "You're not sick, are you?"

"No, but cigarettes haven't done me any favors. You look happy." He looked over Katie at Tom. "Is she happy?"

He nodded. "Yes. Hawaii was just what she needed."

"And the two of you? You happily married?"

Tom felt heat climb up his neck. "We are definitely happily married."

"Good. Come upstairs. I need to talk to you."

Tom followed them up. He had never been above the bar to the apartment. It wasn't very homey, but comfortable. It was on the opposite end of the spectrum from the house he grew up in, but he didn't care where Katie had grown up.

"Dad, you cleaned this place up."

"Sweetheart. I'm making some changes in my life."

"What kind?"

"I'm selling the bar to Eli."

"Why? You said you weren't sick."

"I'm not dying, but my lungs hate this humid climate. I'm moving to Wyoming where the air is clean."

"Wyoming! Alone?"

Tom put his arm around Katie. It was a shock to her and a surprise for him, too. They planned to live in Augusta because of Murph.

"Not alone. You know Denise?" Katie nodded. "We're going together."

"Are you in love with Denise?"

Denise was one of the bartenders. She was younger than Murphy by close to ten years.

"Are you in love with Tom?"

"Yes." She responded quietly. He'd be hurt by her unenthused answer, if she wasn't hearing big news from her father.

Murph nodded. "You'll be okay. You can come visit."

Tom shook his hand and congratulated him. "When are you moving?"

"Soon. Denise is already there, settling us in. I wanted to wait until you came home to tell you."

Katie said, "Wow! This is big news."

"You okay?" Tom whispered in her ear.

She nodded. "You're my family."

Smiling and bursting with love, he hugged her. "Let's go have some wings."

One in a Million (Wish 5)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें