24 - The beach

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With Laurie as her neighbor, Katie didn't have time to mourn Paco all day. He was always with her, but she often went minutes and hours without thinking about him. Sometimes it caused her to cry, but she tried hard not to in front of her new friend.

Over the months, the women had grow close, Laurie never asked when he died and Katie didn't volunteer. When Laurie talked about her first husband, Katie wanted to ask how she moved on.

"You really never felt guilty about loving Dean? You know he was his best friend, and he's in your bed."

She stared at Katie. "Sweet thing, we've talked about this." They had more than once. It was just Katie could not imagine loving again. She and Tom were pretending. "Please don't feel guilty for loving your husband. You found a good man who takes care of you. My Dean is a gem, but your man is a polished diamond."

Katie couldn't tell her they were platonic best friends. Tom was her best friend. As much as she enjoyed her days seeing Hawaii with Laurie, her favorite days were when Tom was off.

Katie waited for Tom to return from his morning run. Meanwhile, she made him breakfast. On work days, he grabbed a protein bar. When he was off, she liked to treat him. It was her way of showing how much she appreciated him. Without Tom, she probably would have broken beyond repair. Her gratitude was endless.

She heard his voice and knew he'd be smiling, because he was talking to his brother. They hadn't seen each other in years but were so close. If he hadn't needed to care for her, he would finally have gone home. He had planned to before their world tipped over.

As much as she wanted him to reconcile with his older brother, Katie didn't want him to find Tori again. She wasn't ready for their friendship to change, as it inevitably would have to.

He came in with his phone in front of his face. "I just walked in." She smiled at Katie. "She's making breakfast."

"You're so spoiled." The voice through the phone said. It amazed Katie they sounded so similar.

"I cook too. Tell him, Luce."

She laughed and called out. "He cooks. I'll make sure he cooks tonight."

"Not tonight. I'm taking you out."

She smiled. He liked to take her out. Their dinners in restaurants almost felt like dates, because he made her feel special.

"Have fun, kids!"

Tom put his phone down. He reached over and grabbed a slice of bacon.

"Is it ready or can I shower?"

"It's ready. If you want, I'll keep it warm."

"No, as long as you don't mind the smell."

He pulled his shirt off and wiped his sweat. She found it impossible to look away. The man was beautiful. Paco was too, but Tom was fit in his own way. He was not as tall, but he was built like an athlete. He put his sweaty shirt in the small stacked washer and went into their bedroom. When he came out he had put on a white undershirt. Thomas Hayes would never sit at a table shirtless. His manners were refined, which was another way he differed from Paco.

"This is so good. Thanks, Luce."

She smiled because she had succeeded in pleasing him. When she smiled, he smiled. She could read his mind and knew he remembered when she never smiled. Sometimes her smiles were followed with guilt, but she refused to go there, because they were going to the beach. Her healing had happened on the beach. It was as if the sand and surf broke down the walls. They were never afraid to talk on the beach as their tears became one with the Pacific.

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