32 - A present

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One year later...

Katie didn't want to cry, but some things were beyond her control. She could blame it on her hormones, as she looked over at her newborn son. Tom had insisted they pay the additional fare, so little Paco would be safely secured during the flight. Paco was their pet name for him. He was really Patrick Francisco Hayes.

She was mad and fed up with the damn army. They were supposed to be traveling together as a family, but the army had ordered Tom to Kuwait at the last minute for his two weeks of reserves. It was his first time back to the Middle East since before they lost their friend. She didn't want to worry, but found it impossible.

They had their first real argument when he insisted she go to Boston without him. They had been married for two years and had a three week old baby, but Tom hadn't told his parents. He had planned to wait until he saw them. Unfortunately, his first vacation was postponed by two weeks while he went to Kuwait.

Both were disappointed and frustrated when they argued. In the end, he convinced her he would worry if she was home alone with the baby. If they had some warning, maybe Laurie could come to help, but Hawaii was so far away.

"Luce, Jon will take care of you. If you want to hide until I get there, you can."

"I'm not afraid of your mother, but your father and brother and Tori."

"There is absolutely no reason for you to see Tori. When I get there, I will go talk to her and explain."

Her stomach churned with nerves as she thought about the text Tom sent his mother.

I'm sending you a present. I wanted to bring your surprise to you, but am headed overseas. Forgive me for waiting so long.

She suspected little Paco was the real surprise. She looked at her gift Tom had given her on the anniversary of the day in Hawaii their marriage became real. The diamond sparkled on her finger. For two years, she wore her plain band, but now she had a ring which reminded her his family was wealthy. She twisted her ring.

Jon had returned to the states five weeks before. He flew directly to Georgia and stayed with them a few days before returning to Boston. Katie already knew she loved her brother-in-law, but his visit confirmed it. Tom had threatened to take the clipper to Jon's face and hair while he was asleep. He looked like a shaggy dog with long hair and beard. She suspected she might finally see his face, but he was being secretive and refused to Skype. He had an apartment with enough room to put them up. Katie hoped he had a big car, because she had multiple suitcases, including Tom's suit and tuxedo because he was flying to Boston on his way home from Kuwait.

She had asked if he really thought he'd need to dress up. He shrugged. "I might as well leave them at my parents. I will never need them in Augusta."

"We have a baby. We can't go out."

"I want to dance with you."

It was so hard to be angry with him. She loved him so much she was flying to meet her in-laws for the first time. Paco fussed, so she lifted him out of his car seat to feed him. He wore the little sweater she had made in Hawaii.

Tom loved to sit and watch her feed him. She was being selfish, because the last thing he wanted was to be away from their son. They had sent him to cover for a counterpart who had a death in the family. She understood loss and would never want to be the reason someone couldn't have a last goodbye.

It was easy to choose the nickname for their son. Their bond had grown stronger than any she had known before. The memory of Paco was easier for her. He was their best friend, one of the three amigos. Now they were three amigos again. She ran her finger along his little foot, causing him to kick. It reminded her of the hours Tom had spent with his hands on her belly, feeling him kick inside her. He treated her like glass while she was pregnant. She missed him already, and it had only been a few hours since he kissed her goodbye. He was at work longer each day, but two weeks would be the longest they had been apart since he returned from Korea. Once she had burped and put him back in his seat, she dozed off. Exhaustion overruled emotions, and she stirred as the plane approached Boston.

She carried the infant carrier and the diaper bag down the aisle of the plane. Her stroller was waiting on the jet bridge, and she clipped the car seat in for the walk to baggage claim. She gasped when she saw him. He was taller, but from the distance he looked just like Tom.

Jon smiled. "I can't believe you're here. I can't wait to see my mother's face when she meets you." He peered at the baby. "He's amazing. I'm an uncle!"

Up close, Jon looked like himself with his blue eyes. She reached up and touched his chin. "Have we met before?"

He laughed. "I had wanted the bitch to see me, but I had to clean up for my interview."

She laughed. She was another person she wasn't looking forward to meeting. "Wait until she finds out about us."

"Come on, let's get your luggage."

"There's a lot. I've got Tom's too."

Jon looked at her. "Don't worry. He's perfectly safe. I'll keep you so busy. He'll be home before you know it."

She wanted to believe him. She loved her husband more than she ever dreamed possible.

The story will continue with book 6, One Wish in a Million.

Scroll for a chapter from Bea and Tom and Katie's video...

Also don't miss the Bonus Wish series Christmas chapters

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