21 - Captain

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Tom looked over at Katie. She was wide eyed. There was no mistaking the beauty of Hawaii. Of all the places he had been stationed, this was the only one he would want to come back to visit.

After she agreed to come with him and therefore marry him, they went to the courthouse alone. She didn't even want her father there, although Murph knew the arrangement. He had pulled Tom aside before they left. "I don't have to ask you to take care of her, because I know you will. I suspect there is more to your motives and all I ask is to give her time. It's good you're a patient man." Did Murph know Tom loved her?

It surprised him and encouraged him when she took his name. He teased her a little. "You know this is a legal name change, so if you want to change your first name you can." At first she thought he meant from Katheryn to Katie. "To Lucy."

She laughed. He had made her laugh. "Only you call me that. I like it that way."

He liked it that way too. They were sitting outside enjoying the light tropical breezes. It felt different from the heat in Georgia. He hated Georgia but would stay for Katie.

"This is ten times nicer than Hilton Head."

He nodded. "I have a bed here."

"What would Alyssa say if she knew about all of this?" She looked down at her plain band. He had bought it for her, but told her she didn't have to wear it. He didn't tell her it was platinum. She assumed it was silver. He wore a matching one. They came to Hawaii as a married couple, so they needed to act the part.

"I assumed she's moved on."

"I bet her husband can't dance like you."

Twenty-four hours in the fiftieth state and she was joking and talking about the past. He was convinced being out of Georgia would heal her.

Before he left, Bella called him. "Tom, now that you've had time to get over your friend, I thought we could get back together."

Did she have any idea it took a lot more than time to get over the loss of a friend? His grief counselor had helped. Katie couldn't explain to her army grief counselor why she got married. Some might consider their marriage fraud. He didn't see it that way because they loved each other, even if it wasn't romantic love for one of them. He would pay for her to see a private clinician if she wanted to.

"Speaking of dancing, Bella called me. I think she thought I missed her. I wanted to tell her I was married but decided it wasn't wise. I told her I wasn't interested in going back to the past. She questioned me and I told her I was leaving Fort Gordon. Hopefully, that will be the last of her."

"Why did you really date her?"

Because you weren't available, he shrugged. "Because I had no one better to date." And I was the third wheel.

Their home was a small bungalow crowded together with others just like it. They heard a voice and saw a woman walking towards them waving. She was older, perhaps in her late forties. Younger than his mother, but almost old enough to be their mother. She carried a plate.

"Hello, I'm Laurie. I live next door. Welcome to Hawaii."

He stood and offered her his chair as there were only two. "Tom and Katie." He wanted to call her his wife, but was afraid it would freak Katie. It was very new for them.

She hollered. "Dean, grab two chairs! I baked some brownies to welcome you."

Katie smiled. "Thank you."

She sat in Tom's chair. "So where were you before?"

"Fort Gordon, Georgia." Katie spoke first.

"We're here for a year. I was here a couple of years ago." A lifetime ago was the real answer.

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