26 - Truth

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Laurie met Katie the minute she pulled the car into the driveway. "I've missed you. I liked it before you worked."

Katie laughed. "I pick up three shifts a week. I'm around plenty."

It felt good to be working again. She had tried different shifts, but liked the day shift best. She preferred to be home with Tom in the evening and not sleep alone. She frowned because she would sleep alone soon. He had to go back to Korea and no amount of pleading could stop him. She was trying to be brave for him. At least she had Laurie so she wouldn't be completely alone. Maybe she would pick up overnight shifts, so she wouldn't have to face the dark hours alone.

"Come on over and keep me company."

Katie looked at her watch. She had to change out of her scrubs and pick up Tom from work. One car had created a challenge, but he was so easygoing he always made it work. He had even brought clothes to change into and ran home a few times.

Katie shook her head. "No time."

"Right, you need to get your lover boy." She smiled. "I can always make you blush."

Katie shook her head. She'd be dead if she wasn't aware she was sharing a bed with a gorgeous man. She wasn't stupid either and knew Tom gave up a lot being married to her. He hid it well, but he was attracted to her, at least physically.

She was waiting for him when he emerged. He smiled, and she felt something she tried to ignore. They had been living in Hawaii for almost ten months and had survived the anniversary of Paco's death. It was a dark day. She felt as if no time had passed. The torment on Tom's face reminded her he had lost his best friend, too. She heard as he told Laurie she was sick. When she woke with her head on Tom's damp shoulder the next morning, she felt better. The sun was shining, and she had survived a year without him. Unfortunately, Laurie was convinced she was pregnant, and she had to convince her she had probably picked up a bug at the hospital. She didn't enjoy lying to her friend.

"Hey Luce, you want to grab dinner?" He slid into the passenger seat. He didn't feel the need to drive all the time.

"In your uniform?" She remembered the night they ate wings without Paco.

"No wings." He smiled. He remembered too.

"Where too?"

He suggested a bar they had found. It reminded them of the Barracks. Luckily, the food was better, including the salads. Her father didn't hire the best kitchen help, but his customers never complained. They were there to drink.

It wasn't crowded, because it was still early and they found a table in the corner. They had been around enough to recognize faces. The bartender knew them and waved. She felt a rush of emotion for her father. Leaving Hawaii would be hard. She really didn't want to return to Augusta, but she missed her father.

They had three more nights before he deployed. Laurie insisted they come for dinner the next night, and the last night would be just them at home. Katie didn't want to think about her last night with Paco. It wouldn't be the same. Tom wasn't going on a secret mission, he was filling in for someone who was going stateside on leave. His replacement had already arrived in Hawaii. He would leave active duty after they returned to Georgia.

"Don't frown. You'll keep busy."

"I've never lived alone before."

"You'll hear from me every day and even Jon said he'd Skype to check in on you."

"Great, so now instead of one, I'll have two Hayes boys. The hairy one and the not so hairy one." She reached up and rubbed her hand at the nape of his neck. She had loved the feel of a fresh clipper cut, since she was a little girl.

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