Bonus Chapter 2: Christmas at The Reilly's

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Noah woke in a dark room. It took him a moment to remember where he was. It was Christmas, and Brenna was asleep next to him. Between them, Scarlett was kicking her feet. She never stayed swaddled. His little girl was so active in the womb Brenna was convinced she would end up a dance mom.

His mother was over the moon to have a granddaughter, although she already had a step one. She confided in Noah that his father would have spoiled her.

"He loved you boys, but he wanted a daughter more than me. We take what God gives us for as long as we can."

Her words cause a familiar reaction of fear. He had been working with his therapist to let the fear go. His mother was so strong to have survived losing a spouse and child. Noah loved his wife and children too much to bear the thought.

He touched her little silky head. She was already wrapped around his finger.

Brenna whispered. "What time is it?"

"Probably not the right time to make love to my wife. Were you in love with the guy you messed around with at seventeen?"

"Were? No. Am? Yes, definitely. I think we have another child. Do you think they missed us?"

"I'm hungry. They better have saved some Linguiça."

Rachel made the best Portuguese sausage. In Onset, they ate it with Portuguese bread. For Christmas, it was one of the delicious foods in the Reilly spread.

"Okay, let's get up."

They were both a little wrinkled, but it was no secret they fell asleep. When they joined the others, Noah went straight to Declan and picked him up. He missed him.

"Down, Da-dee."

"Already independent."

Maggie said, "Come eat, Noah. I'll take my granddaughter. You both look better."

"Thanks, Mom." Brenna said as she handed Scarlett over.

Noah touched Brenna's arm. "We aren't the only ones."

Sage was asleep with her head on Aidan's shoulder. Brenna said, "I didn't party last night."


Ted felt at home with the Reillys. Edward would have hated it, but Mia tamed Edward. Occasionally, he reared his dominating head, and not just in bed. Edward was useful in some business dealings and with his sisters.

The Christmas before, he had fought with Elaine over their son. Correction, Elaine fought with Edward, who crossed his arms and stood his ground. Mia helped him to soften, even towards Elaine. They shared a son, and she deserved to take him to visit with her parents. He missed him but was enjoying Declan and the babies. Would he have a baby by next Christmas?

Christmas at the Reilly's was more relaxed than the Calhouns. If he were home, they would have a formal meal in the dining room. Poor Tori, he should have invited her. Maggie wouldn't have minded an extra guest. He remembered his friend Trey, who usually visited on Christmas. Ted couldn't remember when those visits started. Their original purpose was to show off their new toys, but it changed as they grew older. In more recent years, it allowed them both respite from their wives. Ted would never want a break from Mia. He couldn't wait to make her his wife.

The females were in a corner. He heard enough to know what they were talking about the wedding. He and Mia insisted on a small wedding, but it would be beautiful. The only thing he wanted was their first dance to be in private by the fountain.

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