16 - Goodbyes and Hellos and goodbyes

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Paco continued to take quick trips, but Tom had orders for four months at Camp Walker. A part of him didn't mind going away. Paco and Katie were getting closer while he had avoided breaking things off with Bella. His mother always asked about her. He continued to be honest. "She's not the one." Ending relationships wasn't his strong suit.

Meanwhile, Jon was serious with his girl. Tom had seen pictures of Alana, who was older than Jon by two years. Lucy was a year younger than Ricky.

Bella hadn't been happy when he told her he'd be away. "You'll call me right?"

His answer caused her to pout. "We can email." He'd be back to emailing his mother too, although he would still Skype his brother.

He had his goodbye with Bella two nights before he left, so he could spend his last night with his friends. They chose The Barracks rather than staying in. Even Murph gave him a draft on the house. He had tried to explain to Bella once how Murph treated scores of soldiers like his sons and daughters - not like his own daughter. Katie was proof of the good man he was.

Paco had been delayed leaving, so Katie and Tom were side by side at the bar. She nagged him about remembering to email and as he promised he wouldn't forget, he saw Bella walk in. He must have said enough to give away his plans.

She walked towards him and gave Katie the once over. "You said friends, but I only see your date."

He jumped off his bar stool. "Bella, this is a nice surprise."

She hissed. "I recognize her hair from your evening jacket."

He ignored her comment. "Bella, my friend Katie."

Katie forced a smile. "Finally, the girl our Tom has been dating."

Bella scoffed. "Your Tom."

Tom intervened. "Bella, do you want a drink?"

She looked at his glass. "Not that."

Katie jumped up. "How about a mojito?"

Katie caught Bella off guard as she nodded and Katie disappeared behind the bar. Tom offered Bella a seat and sat next to her.

"I know this isn't your kind of place."

"It's..." She paused, trying to find the right words. "Loud." She looked around and something caught her eye.

Tom laughed. Even the girl he was dating noticed him. Paco had walked in. He raised one eyebrow at Tom.

"Look who isn't the third wheel! You must be Bella." Her name sounded better rolling off Paco's tongue.

"My best friend, Paco. What took you so long?"

"Sorry, I had to change. I want ribs."

Katie appeared on the other side of the bar. She carried the mojitos and Paco's beer.

"Hello, my beautiful girl."

She smiled. "Did you meet Bella?"

He nodded. "Come out here so I can kiss you in front of your daddy, mi amor."

Bella gasped. Tom choked on his beer and coughed. Paco pounded him on his back.

"What's so funny?"

Tom said, "Nothing at all. Bella, did I mention Katie's father owes the bar."

"So she's a barmaid."

"Occasionally, but she's a nurse."

Katie stood beside Paco and he pulled her into his side.

"Are you hungry? Because we're planning to eat wings."

"Maybe a salad. I had a big lunch." Tom smiled.

"I wouldn't. They're not good." Katie whispered to her.

He tried to keep the conversation going, but his two worlds were different. He belonged in Paco's world, but Bella didn't.

When the wings arrived, Bella watched as they each ate. They weren't pigs, but wings were finger food and their fingers were dirty. Tom was glad Katie didn't lick her fingers.

"Have some." Katie encouraged her.

"No, thank you." She turned to Tom. "I was hoping to say goodbye to you."

"We did last night." He didn't like goodbyes, and he wasn't prepared if she cried. He stood and motioned for her to follow. He walked down the hallway with the restrooms. "Let me wash my hands."

He looked at his face in the mirror. It was clean. He didn't have chicken in his teeth. Sighing, he turned toward the door. She looked uncomfortable in a place he felt at home. He could imagine eighteen-year-old Tori playing darts and laughing when she missed the target and hit the wall.

"Bella, I know you wanted to see me one last time. The problem is, we had plans. Paco is my best friend and I want to spend this time with him. How about I walk you to your car?"

She didn't put up a fight. He kissed her and opened her door and watched her drive away. He sighed before going back to his friends, who were glad to have him back.

Katie said, "She doesn't see the best of you."

Paco nudged her to let it go, so he didn't respond.

The worst part of deployment was the downtime. He could go out with some other cyber guys, but often he didn't. From time to time, he wondered what Katie meant by 'she doesn't see the best of you'. One thing he knew was the girl who saw the real him was his best friend. She and Paco were his family.

He counted the days until he could return stateside. He told Bella he was returning a day later. Just as he had spent his last night with his friends, he wanted his first night back to be with Ricky and Lucy too. They owed less than eighteen months and he was itching to think about his future. He had a leave coming up and was still contemplating going home but had told no one, except Katie.

Katie was still so beautiful, but it was more than her unique hair and green eyes. It was her smile and the way she hugged him. He felt as if she had truly missed him. He would consider DC, because he didn't want to live away from his best friends. He deserted his family but couldn't his friends. Maybe that wasn't fair, because his estrangement hadn't been easy.

Katie cooked, and they caught up on all the things which weren't said over email. Paco was quiet and Katie looked at her plate when Tom asked about Mama C. It disappointed him they were no closer to a resolution. Tom was angry with Mama. How could she not love Katie?

Katie had switched to the pediatrics floor at the hospital and loved it more than the adult surgical floor she had been on before.

"But aren't the kids in the hospital sick?" He thought of small bodies in beds with tubes.

She nodded. "But they appreciate everything you do for them. Watching others experience their highest highs and lowest lows really puts my own life in perspective. Yeah, we have a big problem, but what his mother does is beyond our control."

Her old soul was wiser than her years. "What is Nino saying about Mama?"

Paco sighed. "She complains I won't visit. He tells her I would if she accepts Katie." It reminded Tom of how he was fighting for Jon. "I told Mamá that I have a leave coming up and I will come to visit, but she must support my choice to be with mi amor."

Katie was eager to change the subject. "So how's Bella?" The exaggeration in her tone told him exactly how she felt about her.

He shrugged. He had wondered if their emails would bring them to a new level. Letters often opened people up, but she wrote him superficial things about her social life, work and friends. Much of it didn't interest him. He knew he had to break up with her but had agreed to attend another event in a few weeks. He'd get through the evening and end it. "I'm seeing her tomorrow night."

Paco smiled at him. "¡Vaya! You should smile!" His lack of enthusiasm said it all. Katie scowled, so he smiled at her.

The night ended early he was exhausted. At least his date with Bella would probably be spent in her bed. Being with her was just nice as it filled a need. He should feel more; it was one more reason to not string her along.

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