15 - Three Amigos

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Tom agreed to a weeknight date with Bella since they didn't have any time alone the night of the benefit. She was interested in his parents and how often he saw them.

"Not often. I can't just ask for a week off."

"I work too much." That was part of the reason law never interested him.

They had just finished eating more takeout. Tom knew it was just a matter of time before they'd be without clothes, when his phone rang.

"Hey Lucy!"

She exclaimed. "He's leaving again!"



"Tonight!" Never had there been orders to travel with such brief notice. "Put him on."

"Brother, she's a mess."

It reminded Tom of saying goodbye to Tori. "Why tonight?"

"Some crazy briefing 0800 in Washington."

"And then?"

"I'll probably be back annoying you."

He could be hiding the truth. He had used the word joint task force and Tom still wasn't sure what it meant.

"Can you come keep her company? She's upset."

"Yeah, bro, anything you need."

He had forgotten Bella was listening. "Who was that?"

"My friends. He's got a trip, and he needs me to see him off."

"Sounded like a girl."

"Yeah, his girl." The one his family disowned him over.

"You're leaving, you just got here? Was that the one who left her hair on your tuxedo?"

He wasn't sure why he lied. "No, that was Katie. This is Lucy."

He kissed her pouting lips and left her to clean up their dinner mess. Love blinded Katie from Paco's old school ways. Tom didn't love Bella, so he noticed she made him pay for everything, including the takeout when she invited him over. She also liked to sit and watch him clean the kitchen.

He arrived at his old apartment just as Paco was walking out the door with a duffle. He stopped and looked Tom in the eyes. "I'll be back before you miss me."

Tom knew their job wasn't dangerous. They weren't combat soldiers.

Katie's tears broke his heart. "Hey Luce, you know we don't do anything, but sit at a computer. He said he'd be right back."

She wiped her eyes. "I know. It's just with his mother, he's suffering and I'm to blame."

His heart felt heavy looking at her red swollen eyes and sad expression. Her comment about his mother and now her tears reminded him of Tori.

"He loves you. He's not a fool like me."

"You're not a fool."

"She used to cry when I left. The last time I left, I didn't say goodbye. There was a family fight, and I left."

"Because you didn't want to be a lawyer."

"No, because I was supporting my brother when my father and other brother called him a liar."

"You've never told me this before. Does Paco know?"

"No one else knows. I didn't even tell her the real reason, and she knows my family dynamic."

She frowned. "You keep a part of yourself hidden."

He couldn't argue with that. "My parents were here. I saw them Saturday night."

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