30 - You're back

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Katie woke in Tom's arms and smiled. She slept on his shoulder before, but it was usually damp when they were both clothed.

He loved her. How they shared a bed and never found the passion they shared was a miracle or a shame.

Tom's hand moved on her back and she felt him kiss the top of her head. She lifted her head and smiled. "Good morning."

"Morning. I think I'm the happiest man alive."

Without warning, he rolled her onto her back and kissed her. Her body was once again longing for him.

Sated in his arms, she didn't want to get up. Tom must have been thinking the same.

"Laurie's not going to knock on the door, is she?"

Katie giggled. "She knows you're home." She wanted them to make a baby. It sounded like a good idea.

"Do you want to know a secret?" She propped up on her elbow to see him as he spoke. "Last night was the best night of my life."

Katie teased. "We've been sleeping together for a long time."

"You've been the only one I wanted for so long."

She felt the warmth spread throughout her body and settle in the one place that had lied dormant for so long. Now it had awoken she was hyper aware of the constant longing. "What happens now?"

"I have the day off, so we search online for an apartment and then the beach?"

She smiled. "I was thinking about us, although the beach sounds like a plan."

Tom moved their bodies, so they were face to face on their sides. His hand was on her hip and she had trouble concentrating on anything else. He kissed her forehead and looked into her eyes. "We're already married, so unless you want a do-over with the dress and cake?" She shook her head. She didn't need him in his uniform, although she would like to see him in that suit again. Right then, she enjoyed seeing him in nothing at all.

"I can't believe I slept with this body and didn't know what I was missing out on."

He laughed. "I knew. Every morning I ran until my frustrations passed. Well, that and the shower." The idea of him jerking off in the shower, because of her, sent a new wave of excitement through her body. "Maybe today after the beach, you can join me in the shower instead."

She giggled. "Seriously, now that we aren't pretending, what do we do?"

"Do? No one, but Jon knew we were pretending. He also knew how much I loved you."

"Is there anything he doesn't know?"

"That you love me too." He smiled like a kid on Christmas morning. "You want a serious conversation. We need to get out of this bed and I need coffee."

"Are you going to run?"

He shook his head. "I'm not sure I have the energy."

She laughed. She loved him and still couldn't believe he loved her too. She had experienced incredible sex and her belly clenched when she thought about it. She watched as Tom got out of bed and put on his shorts.

He noticed her blatant stare. "Your turn. Get up, wife." He pulled back the sheet and scanned the length of her.

Being referred to as his wife took on a new meaning. It suddenly felt real like it was their honeymoon.

Together they made breakfast. "I need to call my mother before the beach."

"What are you going to tell her?"

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